What are the untold stories behind the notorious Donald Sterling scandal? This week on Pop Culture Weekly (http://podcast.popcultureweekly.com), Kyle McMahon sits down with executive producer Gina Welch, director Kevin Bray, and writer Rembert Brown to explore FX's gripping new limited series "Clipped." Discover how this intense narrative intertwines ambition, racism, and family history, and hear from cast members Cleopatra Coleman, Jacki Weaver, and Ed O'Neill about their transformative experiences playing real-life characters. Kevin shares his personal connection to the civil rights movement, while Gina and Rembert delve into the complexities of creating a story that resonates on multiple levels.
Switching gears, Kyle chats with Margaret Cho and Jesse Tyler Ferguson about their heartwarming film "All That We Love." Engage with us as Margaret shares her poignant journey through grief following the loss of her beloved pet, and Jesse reflects on how such losses shape our relationships. This moving discussion sheds light on society's often overlooked view of pet loss and highlights the unconditional love that animals bring into our lives. Don't miss this episode filled with emotional storytelling and thought-provoking insights on love, loss, and resilience.
Kyle McMahon's Death, Grief & Other Sh*t We Don't Discuss is now streaming: https://www.deathandgrief.show/Chapter-One-The-Diagnosis-AKA-WTF/
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