April 28, 2023

Judy Blume, Rachel McAdams & Are You There, God? It's Me Margaret! Plus Disney V. Florida

Judy Blume, Rachel McAdams & Are You There, God? It's Me Margaret! Plus Disney V. Florida

In this episode of Pop Culture Weekly, Kyle McMahon talks with the cast and filmmakers of Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret". Featuring exclusive interviews with legendary author Judy Blume, stars Rachel McAdams and Abby Ryder Fortson, Writer /...

In this episode of Pop Culture Weekly, Kyle McMahon talks with the cast and filmmakers of Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret". Featuring exclusive interviews with legendary author Judy Blume, stars Rachel McAdams and Abby Ryder Fortson, Writer / Director Kelly Fremon Craig (Edge of Seventeen) and super producers James L. Brooks and Julie Ansell. They explore the cultural impact and challenges of bringing the cherished novel to the big screen.

Plus, Kyle is joined by Dominic Patten, Senior Editor at Deadline Hollywood, to discuss Disney's ongoing legal conflict with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the implications for the entertainment industry. The conversation delves into Disney's unique jurisdictional position in Florida, their influence on politics and copyright laws, and the potential consequences of their legal battles for both parties involved.

Tune in for an intriguing exploration of pop culture news, views, reviews, celebrity interviews, and more!

Are You There, God? It's Me Margaret book on Amazon

Watch Judy Blume: Forever on Prime Video

Kyle McMahon's Death, Grief & Other Sh*t We Don't Discuss
is now streaming: https://www.deathandgrief.show/Chapter-One-The-Diagnosis-AKA-WTF/

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1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,400 In this episode of Pop Culture Weekly, Dominic Patton, senior editor of Deadline Hollywood 2 00:00:05,400 --> 00:00:10,600 comes on to talk about what the fuck is going on with Disney and Florida and Rachel 3 00:00:10,600 --> 00:00:15,200 Mick Adams and the cast of "Are You There, God, It's Me, Margaret, Including Judy, Mother 4 00:00:15,200 --> 00:00:17,800 Effendale, Let's Go!" 5 00:00:17,800 --> 00:00:22,440 Welcome to Pop Culture Weekly with Kyle McMahon from My Heart Radio. 6 00:00:22,440 --> 00:00:28,800 Your Pop Culture News, Views, Reviews and Celebrity Interviews on all the movies, TV, 7 00:00:28,800 --> 00:00:31,960 Music and Pop Culture You Crave Weekly. 8 00:00:31,960 --> 00:00:35,480 Here's Kyle McMahon. 9 00:00:35,480 --> 00:00:38,080 Welcome to Pop Culture Weekly with Kyle McMahon. 10 00:00:38,080 --> 00:00:42,640 I of course am Kyle McMahon and we have an awesome show this week. 11 00:00:42,640 --> 00:00:48,120 I'm really excited because we have interviews with Judy Bloom herself and the cast of "Are 12 00:00:48,120 --> 00:00:54,680 You There, God, It's Me, Margaret" and I have very special guest, Dominic Patton, senior 13 00:00:54,680 --> 00:01:00,240 editor at Deadline Hollywood. 14 00:01:00,240 --> 00:01:02,040 Oh my God, Kyle, thank you so much for having me. 15 00:01:02,040 --> 00:01:07,320 Of course, it is a pleasure and I love when I get to talk to other people in the industry 16 00:01:07,320 --> 00:01:14,000 about, especially about cool things that are, or I guess, sometimes not cool things that 17 00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:15,760 are going on. 18 00:01:15,760 --> 00:01:17,560 Give me a little bit if you don't mind. 19 00:01:17,560 --> 00:01:21,760 What do you do as senior editor at Deadline Hollywood? 20 00:01:21,760 --> 00:01:25,360 Well, I have to be honest without trying to blow my own trumpet too hard, it's kind of 21 00:01:25,360 --> 00:01:26,360 what I don't do. 22 00:01:26,360 --> 00:01:31,760 I've been at Deadline now for about 11 years when Nikki Fink or not long after she first 23 00:01:31,760 --> 00:01:38,680 started it and the way the site has evolved and has become the most powerful trade publication 24 00:01:38,680 --> 00:01:42,680 in the industry and one of the most recognized, of course. 25 00:01:42,680 --> 00:01:48,600 What I do is I'm in a really lucky position and I often compare myself to kind of like, 26 00:01:48,600 --> 00:01:50,880 I'm a floater in a sense. 27 00:01:50,880 --> 00:01:55,560 I guess in a way that works out best for me because what I'm able to do is take my background 28 00:01:55,560 --> 00:02:01,200 as a political reporter, as a music reporter, as a TV host and the TV producer and all these 29 00:02:01,200 --> 00:02:02,200 other things. 30 00:02:02,200 --> 00:02:06,720 I'm able to bring all that and take some of my own skills in terms of our legal coverage 31 00:02:06,720 --> 00:02:10,840 in terms of our political coverage, in terms of our labor coverage, in terms of our business 32 00:02:10,840 --> 00:02:15,040 and executive coverage because the fact of the matter is that's why they call it show 33 00:02:15,040 --> 00:02:16,840 business and not show friends. 34 00:02:16,840 --> 00:02:23,000 And I think that a lot of that is I'm able to bring that together and kind of take a full 35 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:25,560 approach to the kind of stories we do. 36 00:02:25,560 --> 00:02:31,520 Deadline is a multi-headed beast and led by Mike Fleming and Nelly and Riva, our co-editors 37 00:02:31,520 --> 00:02:36,280 and chief, we've developed ways in which we are not only seen as the best and the most 38 00:02:36,280 --> 00:02:40,120 reliable in the industry, but in many ways the most innovative. 39 00:02:40,120 --> 00:02:44,800 We try to take approaches at stories that look at the, that appreciate the intelligence 40 00:02:44,800 --> 00:02:48,760 of our readership, appreciate the curiosity of our readership and remind ourselves 41 00:02:48,760 --> 00:02:54,880 always that our core readership is really those 25,000 people who are really the, the, the, 42 00:02:54,880 --> 00:02:58,840 the, the, the, you know, the deciders in the entertainment industry and the media industry. 43 00:02:58,840 --> 00:03:01,000 And, you know, we've been pretty good at it. 44 00:03:01,000 --> 00:03:07,280 Yeah, yeah, I'd say I was talking to last episode that, because somebody asked me, you 45 00:03:07,280 --> 00:03:08,880 know, where do you get your news? 46 00:03:08,880 --> 00:03:13,400 And I said, you know, friends in the industry and press releases, as you know, we get eight 47 00:03:13,400 --> 00:03:17,480 billion of them a day and, you know, all kinds of different sources. 48 00:03:17,480 --> 00:03:23,640 One of my go to sources multiple times throughout the day is deadline.com. 49 00:03:23,640 --> 00:03:30,360 I mean, it is breaking news for the industry and it's 24/7. 50 00:03:30,360 --> 00:03:36,600 If something's breaking, deadline is on it with great in depth reporting and you know, it's 51 00:03:36,600 --> 00:03:42,320 just it is for me and for, you know, everybody in this industry, an industry Bible. 52 00:03:42,320 --> 00:03:45,440 God, I mean, I'll put my hand on that Bible, pal. 53 00:03:45,440 --> 00:03:46,800 You don't have a problem with that for me. 54 00:03:46,800 --> 00:03:51,880 Yeah, but we really appreciate that because you know, I mean, the thing is news is about flow 55 00:03:51,880 --> 00:03:52,880 nowadays. 56 00:03:52,880 --> 00:03:55,840 It's, you know, back in the day when you pick up the newspaper in the morning and read 57 00:03:55,840 --> 00:03:59,080 about what happened yesterday or even look on cable news and what have you, you know, what's 58 00:03:59,080 --> 00:04:04,680 remarkable in the digital era is the time lags between things happening and between things 59 00:04:04,680 --> 00:04:09,000 being reported and social media is obviously huge a part of this as it is for our coverage. 60 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:12,800 Anyways, you know, that time lag is greatly shortened and compressed now. 61 00:04:12,800 --> 00:04:18,240 So we're, you know, for us, it's not about being first, though first is great. 62 00:04:18,240 --> 00:04:24,320 It's about being best and it's about making sure that our readers get reliable insight, 63 00:04:24,320 --> 00:04:28,520 insightful information on what is really happening on our industry. 64 00:04:28,520 --> 00:04:31,080 So that might be anything from, you know, company layoffs. 65 00:04:31,080 --> 00:04:35,080 We can actually get very specific and get quite granular about where that's happening 66 00:04:35,080 --> 00:04:39,200 to hires, to pilots, to new things, to deals and all that kind of stuff. 67 00:04:39,200 --> 00:04:43,120 And then all the other things that put our industry together from Wall Street, the main 68 00:04:43,120 --> 00:04:47,200 street to all the lawyers on the 35th floor of their skyscrapers. 69 00:04:47,200 --> 00:04:51,120 I mean, that's where that's where the media industry really gets made. 70 00:04:51,120 --> 00:04:55,080 That's where a lot of what happens really goes down and we make sure to have a spotlight 71 00:04:55,080 --> 00:04:56,560 on it each and every day. 72 00:04:56,560 --> 00:04:57,560 Absolutely. 73 00:04:57,560 --> 00:04:58,560 And it's done so well. 74 00:04:58,560 --> 00:05:04,000 It's, I mean, it was what 2006 that would, that's one deadline officially started. 75 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:06,000 Yeah, 2006, 2007. 76 00:05:06,000 --> 00:05:10,840 I mean, Nikki Fink started it kind of as a, it was almost like a, a byproduct of a column 77 00:05:10,840 --> 00:05:15,200 she had in one of the LA freebie newspapers. 78 00:05:15,200 --> 00:05:20,200 But you know, she bought a website because, you know, it was like 10 bucks in 2006 or whatever. 79 00:05:20,200 --> 00:05:21,360 And just started that off. 80 00:05:21,360 --> 00:05:25,760 And then as, as she got, you know, Penske media got involved and then we got more staff 81 00:05:25,760 --> 00:05:26,760 and not too long afterwards. 82 00:05:26,760 --> 00:05:28,800 I and a couple other people came on. 83 00:05:28,800 --> 00:05:31,840 You know, we were a little kind of hard pirate crew of about six for a while. 84 00:05:31,840 --> 00:05:35,280 And now we've expanded and expanded and expanded and we have international teams. 85 00:05:35,280 --> 00:05:37,920 We have, you know, we're by coastal, obviously. 86 00:05:37,920 --> 00:05:40,080 You know, deadlines reach as far. 87 00:05:40,080 --> 00:05:45,280 And the great thing is in digital media, you can always keep the conversation going. 88 00:05:45,280 --> 00:05:51,720 And as since digital media is in some ways, it is the step sister, step brother of radio. 89 00:05:51,720 --> 00:05:53,880 Because the conversation never has to stop. 90 00:05:53,880 --> 00:05:55,600 It only stops if you want it to. 91 00:05:55,600 --> 00:05:59,120 And as you know, Kyle, in our business, that conversation never stops. 92 00:05:59,120 --> 00:06:00,120 Right. 93 00:06:00,120 --> 00:06:01,120 Yes. 94 00:06:01,120 --> 00:06:06,320 And the one that is that breaking news, I love it. 95 00:06:06,320 --> 00:06:07,480 Well, we appreciate that. 96 00:06:07,480 --> 00:06:08,800 We appreciate that, my friend. 97 00:06:08,800 --> 00:06:09,800 Of course. 98 00:06:09,800 --> 00:06:14,640 So today I have later, I'll be talking with Judy Bloom. 99 00:06:14,640 --> 00:06:15,840 We'll be presenting those interviews. 100 00:06:15,840 --> 00:06:18,920 Judy Bloom, Rachel McAdams, the cast of, are you there? 101 00:06:18,920 --> 00:06:19,920 God, it's me, Margaret. 102 00:06:19,920 --> 00:06:24,480 But I thought what was interesting, one of the things that I said to Judy Bloom is that 103 00:06:24,480 --> 00:06:32,840 I love 50 years later that this is now becoming a film because, you know, what I had said, 104 00:06:32,840 --> 00:06:39,320 there was much harder to ban a film, you know, for a local government to ban a film than 105 00:06:39,320 --> 00:06:45,320 it is a book because, you know, her book, many, many of her books, and in fact, many books 106 00:06:45,320 --> 00:06:49,680 in America today for some reason are getting banned. 107 00:06:49,680 --> 00:06:55,900 And then you, you know, that brings us to the broader point of this week today, in fact, 108 00:06:55,900 --> 00:06:58,200 depending on, you know, when they're listening. 109 00:06:58,200 --> 00:07:04,680 Disney is suing Governor Ron DeSantis in, you know, the governor of Florida. 110 00:07:04,680 --> 00:07:07,880 Give me that info, what you know so far. 111 00:07:07,880 --> 00:07:13,960 Well, look, I mean, what's going on in Florida has been a long brewing situation now between 112 00:07:13,960 --> 00:07:19,640 Disney and the Sunshine State governor who clearly has presidential ambitions. 113 00:07:19,640 --> 00:07:23,600 Whether that was successful or not, I mean, I can do math and the polls don't show they're 114 00:07:23,600 --> 00:07:29,720 going to be, but he feels like he's got himself, he feels like he's got himself a pretty steady 115 00:07:29,720 --> 00:07:30,720 target. 116 00:07:30,720 --> 00:07:37,360 He goes after Disney for basically this all started last year. 117 00:07:37,360 --> 00:07:41,240 When Bob Schaepack was the head of Disney, but not Bob Eiger who used to be and is now 118 00:07:41,240 --> 00:07:46,120 back, Bob Schaepack is, Bob Schaepack pretty conservative guy, you know, pretty conservative. 119 00:07:46,120 --> 00:07:52,440 And Ron Santos and the legislature in Florida, which is entirely Republican control, basically 120 00:07:52,440 --> 00:07:55,560 brought in a law that's called the Don't Say the Game Law. 121 00:07:55,560 --> 00:08:00,640 And it had to do with ways in which discussions of gender and identity could be discussed in 122 00:08:00,640 --> 00:08:04,640 the elementary school system and now kind of going up into other levels of education in 123 00:08:04,640 --> 00:08:05,760 the state. 124 00:08:05,760 --> 00:08:10,640 And a lot of people, and in my opinion, incredibly rightly so, looked at this and said, well, 125 00:08:10,640 --> 00:08:15,600 a, it's a blatant form of discrimination, b, it's a blatant form of political pandering 126 00:08:15,600 --> 00:08:20,440 to the mega base and see, it's just wrong on a moral level. 127 00:08:20,440 --> 00:08:24,640 And Disney, which has had, you know, they had the Disney pride parades and days and has a 128 00:08:24,640 --> 00:08:29,320 very, has had a very, I would say, organic and holistic attitude towards the gay and lesbian 129 00:08:29,320 --> 00:08:33,960 community for a number of years and one in which they are perfectly aware that members of 130 00:08:33,960 --> 00:08:37,240 that community are paying customers of theirs. 131 00:08:37,240 --> 00:08:39,200 And you know, as they say, the customer is always right. 132 00:08:39,200 --> 00:08:43,760 So you want to make sure that you don't lose money in doing, in doing these things. 133 00:08:43,760 --> 00:08:47,200 Disney were oddly silent about this law. 134 00:08:47,200 --> 00:08:52,720 And a number of people within Disney, as we wrote about it at the time, started to protest 135 00:08:52,720 --> 00:08:56,440 with Mr. Shepack and some of his high command at the time. 136 00:08:56,440 --> 00:09:00,600 And then what led to what was a series of basically political pratfalls with Disney kind 137 00:09:00,600 --> 00:09:05,240 of wrapping themselves in different contortions and proportions to say, well, we're against this, 138 00:09:05,240 --> 00:09:06,240 but we didn't want to bring it up. 139 00:09:06,240 --> 00:09:08,760 And now we are going to bring it up and so on and so on. 140 00:09:08,760 --> 00:09:12,120 And De Santos had a field day with this because this was a corporate face plan. 141 00:09:12,120 --> 00:09:18,240 So he knocked them around like a cat with a mouse or with a ball of kitty, sort of catnik. 142 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:19,400 It was good for him. 143 00:09:19,400 --> 00:09:20,720 It was great for him. 144 00:09:20,720 --> 00:09:23,440 And then things changed a little bit in Disney. 145 00:09:23,440 --> 00:09:24,440 And Bob Iger came back. 146 00:09:24,440 --> 00:09:27,240 And Bob Iger, smooth operator. 147 00:09:27,240 --> 00:09:30,160 And that's just because I love to always quote a shut-down song if I can. 148 00:09:30,160 --> 00:09:37,400 So he comes in suddenly, Ron De Santos's bully tactics, but Iger pushes back a little 149 00:09:37,400 --> 00:09:38,400 bit. 150 00:09:38,400 --> 00:09:42,760 And then he comes back on De Santos, sort of kind of trying to wrap Disney in the flag of a 151 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:47,640 woke corporation who aren't interested in true American values, et cetera, et cetera. 152 00:09:47,640 --> 00:09:52,120 And De Santos, let's be clear, Disney is the biggest private employer in the state of 153 00:09:52,120 --> 00:09:53,120 Florida. 154 00:09:53,120 --> 00:09:59,680 And they have had a massive economic presence in around Orlando for decades since Disney 155 00:09:59,680 --> 00:10:03,920 World opened in about 50 years ago. 156 00:10:03,920 --> 00:10:13,140 So this led to a conflict. And that conflict really came down to what's known as the tax 157 00:10:13,140 --> 00:10:17,040 district jurisdiction of Disney, which for a variety of reasons. 158 00:10:17,040 --> 00:10:20,880 And I won't go into this because I know listeners love nothing more than talking about tax 159 00:10:20,880 --> 00:10:21,880 codes. 160 00:10:21,880 --> 00:10:27,120 Basically, Disney had a kind of carve out zone where they kind of were in charge of themselves. 161 00:10:27,120 --> 00:10:30,120 They were like their own little fiefdom within the state of Florida. 162 00:10:30,120 --> 00:10:34,840 And I know people who've driven in Bindelville, to Orlando, as you drive towards Orlando, Florida 163 00:10:34,840 --> 00:10:36,680 does not have state tax. 164 00:10:36,680 --> 00:10:39,960 So, thingo, roads aren't so great in many places. 165 00:10:39,960 --> 00:10:41,720 But then you get close to Orlando. 166 00:10:41,720 --> 00:10:42,720 Roads are very nice. 167 00:10:42,720 --> 00:10:43,920 Boads are great. 168 00:10:43,920 --> 00:10:48,040 And a lot of the electrical outlets, not electrical outlets, the electrical towers suddenly 169 00:10:48,040 --> 00:10:51,320 take the shape of a certain mouse is silhouette. 170 00:10:51,320 --> 00:10:53,400 Very beautiful, great branding. 171 00:10:53,400 --> 00:10:56,800 That's part of the control that Disney had had over this jurisdiction for a number of 172 00:10:56,800 --> 00:10:57,800 years. 173 00:10:57,800 --> 00:11:02,120 And he says, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, your boards out. 174 00:11:02,120 --> 00:11:04,360 My boards in were in control. 175 00:11:04,360 --> 00:11:07,640 Igar push his back a little bit and he's like, I don't care what you guys say. 176 00:11:07,640 --> 00:11:08,640 And that all happens. 177 00:11:08,640 --> 00:11:11,720 And it looks like Rhonda Center, he's still living a knockout punched to Disney. 178 00:11:11,720 --> 00:11:14,080 He's put the mouse down. 179 00:11:14,080 --> 00:11:16,080 Not so fast. 180 00:11:16,080 --> 00:11:22,960 Then it turns out that in the dying hours of the previous boards regime, entirely following 181 00:11:22,960 --> 00:11:27,320 the laws that they were supposed to, with public notices in the Orlando Sentinel paper 182 00:11:27,320 --> 00:11:32,800 and notifications of this, that board had a meeting and that board made an agreement with 183 00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:38,680 Disney that essentially handed them all of the control back again. 184 00:11:38,680 --> 00:11:41,160 The Santos is new board. 185 00:11:41,160 --> 00:11:45,200 Not saying they're the sharpest tax in the shed, but I'm not saying they're not. 186 00:11:45,200 --> 00:11:48,560 Didn't seem to know this had happened until weeks later. 187 00:11:48,560 --> 00:11:50,600 And clearly the governor did not. 188 00:11:50,600 --> 00:11:55,440 And suddenly, old mentors in now political rivals like Donald Trump, they're knocking 189 00:11:55,440 --> 00:11:59,960 Rhonda Santos around like a cat with a mouse is the guy who got outplayed and outfoxed by 190 00:11:59,960 --> 00:12:04,920 the Walt Disney Corporation major embarrassment for this like so called tough talk in governor 191 00:12:04,920 --> 00:12:09,440 who obviously as we said and everybody else knows has his eye on a White House bid in 192 00:12:09,440 --> 00:12:13,040 2024 embarrassing for him. 193 00:12:13,040 --> 00:12:17,280 And then this continues and Bob Igar himself on earnings calls and other presentations. 194 00:12:17,280 --> 00:12:21,920 Let's talk about how he thinks that the governor Florida is anti business, which to 195 00:12:21,920 --> 00:12:24,640 a Republican and it's like a scarlet letter. 196 00:12:24,640 --> 00:12:29,040 And he has said that he thinks that it's anti free speech and that this is a silly way to 197 00:12:29,040 --> 00:12:32,640 handle this and he's always open to having a meeting and talking to the governor. 198 00:12:32,640 --> 00:12:37,840 But this is clearly not a way to conduct business with your biggest employer. 199 00:12:37,840 --> 00:12:43,960 Now, he also has said, hey, we're, by the way, we're not just sitting in Orlando. 200 00:12:43,960 --> 00:12:47,560 We're going to invest billions of dollars more in the future. 201 00:12:47,560 --> 00:12:52,800 So we are, we are not only an employer, but we are an innovator within that region. 202 00:12:52,800 --> 00:12:58,360 And listen, you go to Disney World and you see that for its animal kingdom that's Epcot, 203 00:12:58,360 --> 00:13:00,600 it's rides, you see the whole deal. 204 00:13:00,600 --> 00:13:01,960 It's the whole Shabbai. 205 00:13:01,960 --> 00:13:02,960 Right. 206 00:13:02,960 --> 00:13:09,000 So the board, DeSanto's is like, this will not stand. 207 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:11,840 I will not let these people do this to me with their fancy ways. 208 00:13:11,840 --> 00:13:13,440 I eat smarter than me. 209 00:13:13,440 --> 00:13:14,440 Right. 210 00:13:14,440 --> 00:13:18,800 So the board suddenly come in and say, oh, that what happened before is null and boring 211 00:13:18,800 --> 00:13:21,000 and they voted out. 212 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:26,560 And within minutes, Disney slapped DeSanto's in his board with a major lawsuit in federal 213 00:13:26,560 --> 00:13:27,560 court. 214 00:13:27,560 --> 00:13:32,080 And this major lawsuit is basically saying the Florida, the governor of Florida and his 215 00:13:32,080 --> 00:13:33,600 board are anti free speech. 216 00:13:33,600 --> 00:13:38,160 They're anti business and they are seeking to retaliate against a private company for 217 00:13:38,160 --> 00:13:42,760 disagreeing with his political point of view, which by the way is a common sentiment in 218 00:13:42,760 --> 00:13:45,760 the state of Florida right now, just as Judy Bloom. 219 00:13:45,760 --> 00:13:53,120 If you don't buy into platform DeSanto's or play with team DeSanto's, they come after you. 220 00:13:53,120 --> 00:13:54,760 That's the way he wants to run things. 221 00:13:54,760 --> 00:13:59,440 He wants to be as big a bully as Donald Trump, but show he's a little smarter because for 222 00:13:59,440 --> 00:14:03,320 all his folks in regular ways, he went to Harvard. 223 00:14:03,320 --> 00:14:06,760 So by close to the elite governor of San Jose, just saying. 224 00:14:06,760 --> 00:14:07,760 Yeah. 225 00:14:07,760 --> 00:14:08,800 So he comes in with that. 226 00:14:08,800 --> 00:14:10,600 They nail him with this lawsuit. 227 00:14:10,600 --> 00:14:11,600 And they're flummox. 228 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:14,480 You can tell they're totally flummoxed by this yet again. 229 00:14:14,480 --> 00:14:17,520 They put out a release of like, this is not, you know, you can't defy the will of the 230 00:14:17,520 --> 00:14:18,520 voters of Florida. 231 00:14:18,520 --> 00:14:19,520 It's like, but we're not right. 232 00:14:19,520 --> 00:14:20,520 We're not the voters of Florida. 233 00:14:20,520 --> 00:14:22,520 The Florida never voted on this. 234 00:14:22,520 --> 00:14:23,520 Exactly. 235 00:14:23,520 --> 00:14:28,640 But in fast and loose with the laws and the fact that you have a Republican dominated legislature. 236 00:14:28,640 --> 00:14:32,160 So to show down, it's a big showdown that's going to happen. 237 00:14:32,160 --> 00:14:34,160 Disney are looking to have a judge. 238 00:14:34,160 --> 00:14:37,720 You give them a judicial ruling that says this was retaliation. 239 00:14:37,720 --> 00:14:40,680 This is unconstitutional and it will not stand. 240 00:14:40,680 --> 00:14:44,720 And I'm sure the state of Florida will be filing papers of their own fairly soon to fight 241 00:14:44,720 --> 00:14:45,800 back against it. 242 00:14:45,800 --> 00:14:50,320 But this is yet another what we're seeing of a new type of culture war that's happening 243 00:14:50,320 --> 00:14:51,320 in America. 244 00:14:51,320 --> 00:14:52,320 And it's a pop culture war. 245 00:14:52,320 --> 00:14:56,200 Now, maybe all culture wars have been pop culture wars to some degree because, you know, 246 00:14:56,200 --> 00:14:58,960 you clearly don't want to get into culture war about something no one cares about. 247 00:14:58,960 --> 00:15:02,680 You want to talk about it's called pop culture because it's popular. 248 00:15:02,680 --> 00:15:08,720 And in that sense, did I think a number of people saw Disney as a pretty easy target? 249 00:15:08,720 --> 00:15:13,540 But they didn't realize, of course, or forgot, is the Walt Disney company has been a major 250 00:15:13,540 --> 00:15:15,960 political force for a number of years. 251 00:15:15,960 --> 00:15:21,960 It is well established in both democratic and Republican circles. 252 00:15:21,960 --> 00:15:23,760 And they know how to play hardball. 253 00:15:23,760 --> 00:15:27,200 Just ask, you know, just ask unions, just ask people who they're been letting go in the 254 00:15:27,200 --> 00:15:28,200 past few weeks. 255 00:15:28,200 --> 00:15:31,360 They know how to play hardball when they need to get their stock up, when they need to 256 00:15:31,360 --> 00:15:32,760 get themselves in order. 257 00:15:32,760 --> 00:15:33,960 And clearly that happened. 258 00:15:33,960 --> 00:15:38,680 And let's remember, back in the middle of the pandemic, Disney got into a lot of 259 00:15:38,680 --> 00:15:44,480 a little bit of a scuffle with California governor Newsom because the laws in California 260 00:15:44,480 --> 00:15:47,840 and such lockdowns, the theme parks were basically closed. 261 00:15:47,840 --> 00:15:50,160 And the theme parks are a major revenue source for Disney. 262 00:15:50,160 --> 00:15:52,360 There are huge revenue source for them. 263 00:15:52,360 --> 00:15:53,360 And that was really hurting them. 264 00:15:53,360 --> 00:15:56,760 And they were, they felt they were trying to bend over backwards to meet him and they felt 265 00:15:56,760 --> 00:15:59,920 the state kept moving the goal post and making it harder and harder. 266 00:15:59,920 --> 00:16:03,720 And it became a real battle, you know, and this is like, you don't expect that. 267 00:16:03,720 --> 00:16:04,720 But that happened. 268 00:16:04,720 --> 00:16:09,920 Let's at least say it this way, Disney are an equal opportunist corporate survivor. 269 00:16:09,920 --> 00:16:15,400 Ron Santos has seemed to have put himself in some serious Mickey Mouse quicks sand. 270 00:16:15,400 --> 00:16:19,280 Or as we said in the story we did on this and on it on this, it looks like the house of 271 00:16:19,280 --> 00:16:24,280 mouse took the white gloves off and they wanted to show we're not playing around. 272 00:16:24,280 --> 00:16:26,800 But I think that this, we're going to see a lot more of this. 273 00:16:26,800 --> 00:16:28,880 This is presidential politics. 274 00:16:28,880 --> 00:16:34,800 This is playing to the base of who your base are on the left right or the center. 275 00:16:34,800 --> 00:16:37,800 Though many people don't seem to play to the center for some reason in America because it 276 00:16:37,800 --> 00:16:39,280 doesn't get you the headlines. 277 00:16:39,280 --> 00:16:40,280 Exactly. 278 00:16:40,280 --> 00:16:43,200 But they, you know, you're going to see a lot more of this happening. 279 00:16:43,200 --> 00:16:47,360 As for this particular lawsuit, I would not be surprised if this escalates. 280 00:16:47,360 --> 00:16:53,400 It escalates at a fairly quick pace for the American judicial system way up the top. 281 00:16:53,400 --> 00:16:54,400 Mm-hmm. 282 00:16:54,400 --> 00:16:55,400 Yeah. 283 00:16:55,400 --> 00:16:56,400 And that's actually what I was going to ask you. 284 00:16:56,400 --> 00:17:03,480 Now, there is, and you can maybe speak to this, if I recall incorrectly, copyright law 285 00:17:03,480 --> 00:17:07,040 was actually changed because of the Disney Corporation. 286 00:17:07,040 --> 00:17:08,040 Isn't that correct? 287 00:17:08,040 --> 00:17:09,040 Oh, yeah. 288 00:17:09,040 --> 00:17:10,040 Hey. 289 00:17:10,040 --> 00:17:13,160 So Mickey Mouse should have been in the public domain a long, long time ago. 290 00:17:13,160 --> 00:17:17,720 You know, Disney, yet again, using their lobbyists and great political influence, had Mickey 291 00:17:17,720 --> 00:17:20,560 Mouse's copyright status changed several times. 292 00:17:20,560 --> 00:17:26,040 Now, I feel like with the Republican-controlled House, House Representatives in Washington, 293 00:17:26,040 --> 00:17:32,080 Tennessee, and attempted another one, especially with the showdown with the Santos, is probably 294 00:17:32,080 --> 00:17:33,720 not going to happen. 295 00:17:33,720 --> 00:17:39,760 And it looks very likely that Mickey Mouse will go into the public domain sometime in 2024. 296 00:17:39,760 --> 00:17:41,320 Winnie the Pooh already has. 297 00:17:41,320 --> 00:17:42,320 Right. 298 00:17:42,320 --> 00:17:46,520 But that's not the Winnie the Pooh we know because it's interesting when we talk about copyright, 299 00:17:46,520 --> 00:17:49,120 which again, is as exciting as tax codes. 300 00:17:49,120 --> 00:17:51,520 That's very important, right? 301 00:17:51,520 --> 00:17:54,200 When we talk about that, you have to talk about the specifics. 302 00:17:54,200 --> 00:17:58,520 We saw this in some of the lawsuits that Warner Brothers were in at one point with the estates 303 00:17:58,520 --> 00:18:01,840 of the Superman creators as well as a Batman creators. 304 00:18:01,840 --> 00:18:06,360 And we saw some of this with Marvel/Disney, because Disney owned Marvel. 305 00:18:06,360 --> 00:18:10,640 And the state of Jack Kirby, who was one of the co-creators of many of Marvel's biggest 306 00:18:10,640 --> 00:18:16,240 and most well known heroes and titles, went you create and what we know are different. 307 00:18:16,240 --> 00:18:17,440 So I'll give you an example. 308 00:18:17,440 --> 00:18:22,440 The Mickey Mouse we know today with the bow tie and the white gloves and the suit and 309 00:18:22,440 --> 00:18:24,160 the little shoes and stuff like that. 310 00:18:24,160 --> 00:18:26,320 That's not the Mickey Mouse we're talking about. 311 00:18:26,320 --> 00:18:27,840 We're talking about the steam bill. 312 00:18:27,840 --> 00:18:28,840 We're talking about Willy, right? 313 00:18:28,840 --> 00:18:29,840 We're talking about Willy, Mickey Mouse. 314 00:18:29,840 --> 00:18:31,760 And that's a noticeable difference. 315 00:18:31,760 --> 00:18:35,360 The same thing with Winnie the Pooh and Winnie the Pooh went into the public domain. 316 00:18:35,360 --> 00:18:39,280 We're not talking to Winnie the Pooh with the red sweater because that Winnie the Pooh 317 00:18:39,280 --> 00:18:41,200 wasn't the Winnie the Pooh of the books. 318 00:18:41,200 --> 00:18:43,200 Winnie the Pooh of the books didn't have any clothing on. 319 00:18:43,200 --> 00:18:45,000 It was full bear, if you know what I mean. 320 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:47,480 So that's a little different, right? 321 00:18:47,480 --> 00:18:50,440 And so, you know, same thing when there was some of these battles over Superman. 322 00:18:50,440 --> 00:18:54,120 Literally, there were arguments over, yeah, but the Superman you're talking about, 323 00:18:54,120 --> 00:18:58,600 doesn't fly because that didn't actually happen until like about a year after the after 324 00:18:58,600 --> 00:18:59,600 Superman was created. 325 00:18:59,600 --> 00:19:00,600 Right. 326 00:19:00,600 --> 00:19:02,920 He jumped over buildings a lot, but he didn't actually fly. 327 00:19:02,920 --> 00:19:06,800 So there's a whole lot of that coming into play and that's always going to be contentious 328 00:19:06,800 --> 00:19:12,440 because of course, we now live in a digitally connected world if nothing else. 329 00:19:12,440 --> 00:19:18,360 So we rules that we had for copyright here in the United States. 330 00:19:18,360 --> 00:19:21,680 That was pretty much all these companies cared about for the most part, right? 331 00:19:21,680 --> 00:19:26,600 But now with the European Union with other jurisdictions and then you have streamers that 332 00:19:26,600 --> 00:19:28,440 cross all those borders. 333 00:19:28,440 --> 00:19:31,840 Suddenly, you're having different licensing agreements and different availability. 334 00:19:31,840 --> 00:19:36,120 So for some of your listeners, if you know this, if you go just over the border to Canada, 335 00:19:36,120 --> 00:19:40,240 Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, wherever, and you put on Netflix, there's different 336 00:19:40,240 --> 00:19:43,040 stuff on Netflix in Canada than there is in America. 337 00:19:43,040 --> 00:19:45,120 And I'm not just talking Canadian content. 338 00:19:45,120 --> 00:19:49,280 There's like different agreements so they might have this action movie here, but not 339 00:19:49,280 --> 00:19:50,280 that action movie there. 340 00:19:50,280 --> 00:19:53,280 It's not necessarily Netflix originals, but stuff. 341 00:19:53,280 --> 00:19:54,280 They license. 342 00:19:54,280 --> 00:19:57,200 That's again, how these licensing and copyright deals work. 343 00:19:57,200 --> 00:20:02,880 And that is going to become a major part of this because while Disney might be able to, 344 00:20:02,880 --> 00:20:06,640 though I doubt it, but might be able to find some way to extend the copyright for Mickey 345 00:20:06,640 --> 00:20:11,400 Mouse in America, it might not be go down so well in Brussels with the European Union 346 00:20:11,400 --> 00:20:16,000 where they have many things of reach public domain far quicker than they have on this side 347 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:17,000 of the Atlantic. 348 00:20:17,000 --> 00:20:27,960 Yeah, and they are, as you perfectly showed, they are well versed in the legal system. 349 00:20:27,960 --> 00:20:36,920 And so this is a small mom and pop shop that doesn't have the experience to literally take 350 00:20:36,920 --> 00:20:39,040 a Florida governor on. 351 00:20:39,040 --> 00:20:41,480 They are, they're used to doing it. 352 00:20:41,480 --> 00:20:42,480 We're telling a warning governor. 353 00:20:42,480 --> 00:20:43,480 Right. 354 00:20:43,480 --> 00:20:48,400 Well, because there are people who are going to paint this as democratic favoring Disney 355 00:20:48,400 --> 00:20:49,680 taking on Republicans. 356 00:20:49,680 --> 00:20:55,160 And I say just ask Gavin Newsom two and a half years ago because he would tell you, democratic 357 00:20:55,160 --> 00:20:57,720 Disney took on a democratic governor in California. 358 00:20:57,720 --> 00:20:58,720 Right. 359 00:20:58,720 --> 00:20:59,720 Yeah. 360 00:20:59,720 --> 00:21:00,720 And that is a great point. 361 00:21:00,720 --> 00:21:05,120 And it is something I myself, you know, forget as I'm speaking about it. 362 00:21:05,120 --> 00:21:12,120 They ultimately, you know, as most corporations do, are looking to protect themselves and their, 363 00:21:12,120 --> 00:21:15,560 their empire in their case. 364 00:21:15,560 --> 00:21:22,760 Do you think that this could spill over into other companies? 365 00:21:22,760 --> 00:21:34,360 And what I mean by that is, is this going to trigger, you know, other, let's say public 366 00:21:34,360 --> 00:21:40,040 figures, public representatives, government officials that are looking to kind of jump on 367 00:21:40,040 --> 00:21:46,800 this train in their own way with their own whatever anti-woke, you know, company they, they have 368 00:21:46,800 --> 00:21:47,800 a problem with. 369 00:21:47,800 --> 00:21:53,240 Well, I mean, maybe, I mean, you know, I live now in the world where I believe anything is 370 00:21:53,240 --> 00:21:54,240 possible. 371 00:21:54,240 --> 00:21:55,240 Yeah. 372 00:21:55,240 --> 00:21:56,240 Yeah. 373 00:21:56,240 --> 00:21:58,600 But I don't think it's the same. 374 00:21:58,600 --> 00:22:03,240 I think, you know, I think the Walt Disney company occupies a very unique place in our 375 00:22:03,240 --> 00:22:08,640 culture, both as a business and as a content provider and as an icon. 376 00:22:08,640 --> 00:22:16,240 You know, multi-generational in a way that almost no other company can say they are truly, right? 377 00:22:16,240 --> 00:22:17,760 And the reach of where they go. 378 00:22:17,760 --> 00:22:23,600 So there are the movies, there are the TV shows, there are the TV networks, there are the streamers, 379 00:22:23,600 --> 00:22:28,760 there is ESPN, there's ESPN plus, there's these, there's Hulu, and then there's like, cruise 380 00:22:28,760 --> 00:22:29,760 ships. 381 00:22:29,760 --> 00:22:33,440 And then there's theme parks in France, in China, in America. 382 00:22:33,440 --> 00:22:37,640 So they have a place that I think no one truly has that kind of reach. 383 00:22:37,640 --> 00:22:43,080 You know, you look at Comcast, who own NBC Universal, who own NBC, who own Universal Studios, 384 00:22:43,080 --> 00:22:45,560 who you know, that kind of similar, but not the same. 385 00:22:45,560 --> 00:22:50,120 You have corporations and companies in China that have massive assets as well, but again, 386 00:22:50,120 --> 00:22:51,120 it's not the same. 387 00:22:51,120 --> 00:22:56,360 Like, you put Mickey Mouse on a t-shirt and walk down the street anywhere in the world. 388 00:22:56,360 --> 00:22:58,360 And people know who you're wearing on your t-shirt. 389 00:22:58,360 --> 00:23:02,960 It's like if you had a picture of Muhammad Ali or the Beatles or maybe Marilyn Monroe. 390 00:23:02,960 --> 00:23:05,480 Everybody knows who that is and who those people are. 391 00:23:05,480 --> 00:23:10,200 And I would say that in terms of picking a fight with Disney, the other thing of course is, 392 00:23:10,200 --> 00:23:15,440 there's a very specific, as we talked about, a very specific jurisdictional element to this 393 00:23:15,440 --> 00:23:20,440 that Disney have in and around Orlando, Florida, that is very specific to who they are and 394 00:23:20,440 --> 00:23:22,640 very specific to where they run their company. 395 00:23:22,640 --> 00:23:23,640 Which has been a court. 396 00:23:23,640 --> 00:23:27,240 I'm sorry, which has been around for like that deal or whatever. 397 00:23:27,240 --> 00:23:30,400 That deal was created like 15 or 15 years or something. 398 00:23:30,400 --> 00:23:31,400 Yeah. 399 00:23:31,400 --> 00:23:36,120 Basically, Walt came along and developed land of, really wasn't going anywhere. 400 00:23:36,120 --> 00:23:37,880 Is on Swarthland or something. 401 00:23:37,880 --> 00:23:43,920 He turned it into a massive profit machine both for himself and his company and the state 402 00:23:43,920 --> 00:23:44,920 of Florida. 403 00:23:44,920 --> 00:23:48,960 So I think onto that end, you have Disney in a very unique position. 404 00:23:48,960 --> 00:23:52,400 People are always going to find someone if they want to jump on. 405 00:23:52,400 --> 00:23:59,440 You know, back in the early 90s, it was Skipper Gore and trying to put censorship on records. 406 00:23:59,440 --> 00:24:03,600 And what happened is they slapped on a parental advisory on records and a Stephen Tyler of 407 00:24:03,600 --> 00:24:06,360 Erasmus once said, help to sell another million records. 408 00:24:06,360 --> 00:24:08,360 Like because people thought we were cooler than we are. 409 00:24:08,360 --> 00:24:10,480 You know, there's always going to be that. 410 00:24:10,480 --> 00:24:15,320 You know, back in them, Jordan Heston, when he was head of the NRA, I believe, came out against 411 00:24:15,320 --> 00:24:21,360 IST and his body count band saying they wanted to kill cops and Warner Brothers records or 412 00:24:21,360 --> 00:24:24,040 Warner Brothers or other label that was owned by Warner Brothers. 413 00:24:24,040 --> 00:24:27,320 They got very, very nervous and they were, they tried to drop it and get out of it and all 414 00:24:27,320 --> 00:24:28,320 sorts of stuff like that. 415 00:24:28,320 --> 00:24:31,560 Again, people will find any punching bag they want. 416 00:24:31,560 --> 00:24:35,320 Politicians on the other side of the political spectrum probably will take a swing and almost 417 00:24:35,320 --> 00:24:37,320 anything the Rupert Murdoch owns. 418 00:24:37,320 --> 00:24:43,320 But you're never going to have the kind of foil or enemy or foe that you can have in the 419 00:24:43,320 --> 00:24:44,880 Walt Disney corporation. 420 00:24:44,880 --> 00:24:48,320 And that's, it's just a different animal in all sense. 421 00:24:48,320 --> 00:24:51,120 Yeah, that's, that's a very good point. 422 00:24:51,120 --> 00:24:58,280 And, you know, I think what kind of scares me about it is it is very, it seems very, very 423 00:24:58,280 --> 00:25:02,960 personal here on the side of the governor. 424 00:25:02,960 --> 00:25:08,360 And what I mean by that is, you know, he was, he's now making it that, oh, a corporation 425 00:25:08,360 --> 00:25:09,600 shouldn't be able to do this. 426 00:25:09,600 --> 00:25:16,800 But the three and a half years prior of your term of that first term, it wasn't a problem 427 00:25:16,800 --> 00:25:17,880 at all. 428 00:25:17,880 --> 00:25:24,080 And now you're, you're kind of threatening with, oh, I might put a jail near, you know, 429 00:25:24,080 --> 00:25:30,280 right outside your hotel or I might raise hotel taxes or put a toll road going into Disney 430 00:25:30,280 --> 00:25:39,120 that all seems very vindictive and personal, which is a bit scary from my end because it's 431 00:25:39,120 --> 00:25:46,320 very fascist, you know, I mean, I hate to say that, but it seems very, I mean, I think the 432 00:25:46,320 --> 00:25:51,440 people, I mean, I think to quote, you know, to quote myself from our Disney story, we all 433 00:25:51,440 --> 00:25:54,080 need to take the white gloves out about this. 434 00:25:54,080 --> 00:25:56,800 Like, you know, I don't think Bob Iger is wrong. 435 00:25:56,800 --> 00:26:02,840 When you have a governor or a state representative who is attacking a company in the way that 436 00:26:02,840 --> 00:26:06,280 that Ron Des Santos is attacking Disney, that is anti-business. 437 00:26:06,280 --> 00:26:09,960 You can, now you can paint that mouse anyway you want, but it's still going to have the same 438 00:26:09,960 --> 00:26:10,960 color on it. 439 00:26:10,960 --> 00:26:12,520 That color is not green. 440 00:26:12,520 --> 00:26:15,000 It is a very distinctive, uh, mega red. 441 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:23,880 I don't think that I think their governor Des Santos is a little bit more small time than 442 00:26:23,880 --> 00:26:29,240 he realizes, you know, he wants, he thinks this is the kind of thing that makes him a national 443 00:26:29,240 --> 00:26:30,240 player. 444 00:26:30,240 --> 00:26:34,200 He thinks this is the kind of thing that gets the base and the voters, especially primary 445 00:26:34,200 --> 00:26:37,920 voters, really galvanized and activated. 446 00:26:37,920 --> 00:26:39,840 But man, you don't want to be going to war with someone. 447 00:26:39,840 --> 00:26:43,280 We're not only you're fighting Disney, but now Donald Trump's taken sweeps at you for 448 00:26:43,280 --> 00:26:44,280 being a chump. 449 00:26:44,280 --> 00:26:48,240 Like, that's like, that's the kiss of death in the Republican party, you know? 450 00:26:48,240 --> 00:26:51,800 Regardless of what you think about the former president and former celebrity apprentice 451 00:26:51,800 --> 00:26:55,760 host, when he, you know, one thing about Donald Trump, he knows how to go for the jugular. 452 00:26:55,760 --> 00:26:59,600 And Ron Des Santos, who thought he was a tough guy, I guess he kind of brought a knife to 453 00:26:59,600 --> 00:27:04,040 a gunfight and didn't realize that Disney and some of his rivals, they're packing 454 00:27:04,040 --> 00:27:05,040 heat. 455 00:27:05,040 --> 00:27:10,080 And so what happened here now is you find him in a defensive posture, which like maybe 456 00:27:10,080 --> 00:27:14,800 like, you know, a Wolverine or something, maybe lashes out defensively, but he's already 457 00:27:14,800 --> 00:27:17,640 got himself entangled in this thing. 458 00:27:17,640 --> 00:27:19,360 And you don't want to be entangled. 459 00:27:19,360 --> 00:27:21,360 You want to be proactive. 460 00:27:21,360 --> 00:27:22,360 You want to be the boss. 461 00:27:22,360 --> 00:27:25,160 You want to be the man who shows everyone who is boss. 462 00:27:25,160 --> 00:27:28,400 Now, I don't think that's that position, but I don't think that's a very winning position 463 00:27:28,400 --> 00:27:32,000 for things like, you know, you mentioned earlier, Judy Bloom and Judy Bloom. 464 00:27:32,000 --> 00:27:36,760 By the way, is a resident of the state of Florida has her books banned in Florida. 465 00:27:36,760 --> 00:27:39,280 You know, we are seeing bookbanging happening all over the place. 466 00:27:39,280 --> 00:27:41,360 We are seeing in the state of Montana. 467 00:27:41,360 --> 00:27:42,360 TikTok is now banned. 468 00:27:42,360 --> 00:27:47,240 Now, TikTok is not no longer allowed on government employee phones, many states as well as the 469 00:27:47,240 --> 00:27:51,520 federal government are considering some sort of action because of beliefs and concerns that 470 00:27:51,520 --> 00:27:57,000 this, that this social media device is actually used as a spine device by the Chinese government, 471 00:27:57,000 --> 00:28:00,640 not that other social media don't try to listen in on you, even though they say they don't. 472 00:28:00,640 --> 00:28:04,320 And what have you, that's a very specific, these are national security issues and they're 473 00:28:04,320 --> 00:28:07,880 legitimate issues that need to be discussed by our leaders on the national level. 474 00:28:07,880 --> 00:28:14,840 But this is part of this discussion, you know, like, you know, it's, it's, if there's one thing, 475 00:28:14,840 --> 00:28:21,000 I say this with full reservation, there are out of 100, there are 98 things, including 476 00:28:21,000 --> 00:28:28,000 racism, misogyny and a general, a general doofusness that I disagree with Donald Trump on. 477 00:28:28,000 --> 00:28:34,640 But I will say one thing here about like, these are, these are legitimate discussions within 478 00:28:34,640 --> 00:28:38,920 the context of a culture within a context of taking this culture seriously. 479 00:28:38,920 --> 00:28:41,160 Your show is called pop culture. 480 00:28:41,160 --> 00:28:43,760 I heart radio takes pop culture seriously. 481 00:28:43,760 --> 00:28:46,120 Deadline Hollywood takes pop culture seriously. 482 00:28:46,120 --> 00:28:48,320 It is what keeps the lights on around here for us. 483 00:28:48,320 --> 00:28:52,560 And it's also the thing that is a topic of conversation from anyone from your grandmother, 484 00:28:52,560 --> 00:28:57,200 to your five year old and everyone in between on various levels, very shows, they like, 485 00:28:57,200 --> 00:28:59,160 bands, they like, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 486 00:28:59,160 --> 00:29:00,560 So this is part of a national discourse. 487 00:29:00,560 --> 00:29:03,120 So you want to get a part of the national discourse. 488 00:29:03,120 --> 00:29:04,600 You jump into that river. 489 00:29:04,600 --> 00:29:08,680 The problem is is you can often find yourself without a paddle. 490 00:29:08,680 --> 00:29:11,040 My analogy is going up further here than I wanted it to. 491 00:29:11,040 --> 00:29:15,880 But I think you can find yourself in a situation where you're not in control of the direction 492 00:29:15,880 --> 00:29:16,880 things are going. 493 00:29:16,880 --> 00:29:18,840 And I think that's what we're seeing with the Santos. 494 00:29:18,840 --> 00:29:23,200 I think that's what we're seeing with book banning because what is happening is the backlash 495 00:29:23,200 --> 00:29:27,800 that is expected in these situations from the left and progressives and perhaps the 496 00:29:27,800 --> 00:29:29,200 personal company being attacked. 497 00:29:29,200 --> 00:29:32,920 You're now seeing other people who are saying, well, that's not a Republican value. 498 00:29:32,920 --> 00:29:34,960 That's not a conservative value. 499 00:29:34,960 --> 00:29:38,760 That's not, we're a free speech, but like you can't say, well, we're for free speech, but 500 00:29:38,760 --> 00:29:43,040 only for that guy, you know, I'm for absolute free speech. 501 00:29:43,040 --> 00:29:46,600 Except I don't think you should stand up at a movie theater and scream fire when there's 502 00:29:46,600 --> 00:29:47,600 no fire. 503 00:29:47,600 --> 00:29:50,040 I think free speech is an element of responsibility. 504 00:29:50,040 --> 00:29:54,000 I think the first amendment as a journalist is me great protection and gives me great solace 505 00:29:54,000 --> 00:29:57,240 as a person who lives in this country. 506 00:29:57,240 --> 00:30:00,800 But I think we need to also understand there's degrees of responsibility about this. 507 00:30:00,800 --> 00:30:03,600 And I think what's happening for some of these politicians is they thought they had an 508 00:30:03,600 --> 00:30:04,600 easy mark. 509 00:30:04,600 --> 00:30:06,920 They thought they had someone is like, boom, punch out. 510 00:30:06,920 --> 00:30:09,040 I'm going to get all the applause from the chief seats. 511 00:30:09,040 --> 00:30:14,400 It turns out, unless you land a total knockout, you're not going to get that applause. 512 00:30:14,400 --> 00:30:15,400 Yeah. 513 00:30:15,400 --> 00:30:25,840 And his legislative losses with many other things in his term have been numerous, you know, 514 00:30:25,840 --> 00:30:31,640 from their own. So it does give me a little bit of hope that, you know, this, this may turn 515 00:30:31,640 --> 00:30:38,640 out okay and our, and I know it seems dramatic to say this, but our, you know, United States 516 00:30:38,640 --> 00:30:45,640 in, in this regard is safe because for me, it is a bigger issue. 517 00:30:45,640 --> 00:30:49,280 If there is a government that is able to say, I don't like you. 518 00:30:49,280 --> 00:30:55,400 I'm going to drive you out of the state or, you know, do whatever. 519 00:30:55,400 --> 00:31:05,680 But I can use tax payer dollars to negatively impact you, whether that's a person or a company. 520 00:31:05,680 --> 00:31:11,640 I think that is very threatening to what the US stands for. 521 00:31:11,640 --> 00:31:18,080 So I would even say this cop, I would take it, I would say, yep, agree. 522 00:31:18,080 --> 00:31:19,080 Very high-falutin, but I agree. 523 00:31:19,080 --> 00:31:20,560 I bring it down a bit. 524 00:31:20,560 --> 00:31:25,280 If you're taking, if you're the state of Florida and you're using tax payer dollars to fight 525 00:31:25,280 --> 00:31:30,960 Disney or to sue Disney, you are literally using the money that Disney gave you because 526 00:31:30,960 --> 00:31:34,160 they are such a big employer in that state. 527 00:31:34,160 --> 00:31:38,960 So it seems so, so ludicrously counterproductive. 528 00:31:38,960 --> 00:31:45,000 It seems that it misses the point and to be honest, at this point, and I've spoken to people 529 00:31:45,000 --> 00:31:49,600 about this regularly, people are like, so how, what is this all about and why is he in a 530 00:31:49,600 --> 00:31:51,000 war with Disney? 531 00:31:51,000 --> 00:31:52,000 Right. 532 00:31:52,000 --> 00:31:54,680 What a Disney done, you know? 533 00:31:54,680 --> 00:32:02,000 How do you think, how long do you think that this could potentially take to resolve, you 534 00:32:02,000 --> 00:32:03,920 know, this whole thing? 535 00:32:03,920 --> 00:32:08,000 I think a lot of that has to do with how well Governor DeSanto's doesn't repel with 536 00:32:08,000 --> 00:32:09,000 him. 537 00:32:09,000 --> 00:32:11,240 And he's flying into some key battleground states. 538 00:32:11,240 --> 00:32:13,440 He wants to get his name out there. 539 00:32:13,440 --> 00:32:14,440 He's a pretty stiff guy. 540 00:32:14,440 --> 00:32:18,200 He's obviously got hired some people to help him kind of loosen up a little bit and have 541 00:32:18,200 --> 00:32:21,960 a little bit more of a back slapping type of way about him. 542 00:32:21,960 --> 00:32:28,320 But he seems to be thin skinned and he doesn't seem to gain this out. 543 00:32:28,320 --> 00:32:32,520 I'll just make a comparison, I think, spare is there's a difference between being a tactical 544 00:32:32,520 --> 00:32:35,520 thinker and being a strategic thinker. 545 00:32:35,520 --> 00:32:38,200 Actical thinker is you're going from A to B to C. Right. 546 00:32:38,200 --> 00:32:39,880 That's where you want to go to take it there. 547 00:32:39,880 --> 00:32:43,120 A strategic thinker is like, well, what's up with this whole ABC and alphabet thing and 548 00:32:43,120 --> 00:32:47,120 what does all this mean and how, what do I really, why am I wasting my time with 25 steps? 549 00:32:47,120 --> 00:32:49,960 Why should you take two steps and go from A to Z? 550 00:32:49,960 --> 00:32:53,920 You know, I always my time with the other stuff because my time's important. 551 00:32:53,920 --> 00:32:55,720 So I think that that's what we've hit here. 552 00:32:55,720 --> 00:33:00,200 I think DeSantis been very popular, fanning certain flames in the state of Florida. 553 00:33:00,200 --> 00:33:02,920 I remember this is a guy who barely got elected the first time. 554 00:33:02,920 --> 00:33:04,920 It's, yeah, Donald Trump got him over the line. 555 00:33:04,920 --> 00:33:10,640 That guy was like, it was like less than 20,000 votes got him over the Democratic competitor. 556 00:33:10,640 --> 00:33:13,240 But to win and take all system, you're the governor. 557 00:33:13,240 --> 00:33:16,600 But I think he thinks he's found a winning topic. 558 00:33:16,600 --> 00:33:22,040 And I think in a country where inflation is hitting people for the first time in decades, 559 00:33:22,040 --> 00:33:27,520 where there's still recovery from the pandemic, where there's a worry about divisions about 560 00:33:27,520 --> 00:33:31,520 the power of China, you know, obviously the war in Ukraine and what that could mean for 561 00:33:31,520 --> 00:33:33,440 a larger geopolitical system. 562 00:33:33,440 --> 00:33:36,520 And just like what's up with the schools and the roads, man, and where, like, where's 563 00:33:36,520 --> 00:33:37,520 that stuff being fixed? 564 00:33:37,520 --> 00:33:42,160 I don't think taking on Disney is going to really get too many people galvanized outside 565 00:33:42,160 --> 00:33:47,200 of very small bases of people who already support Ron DeSantis in the state of Florida. 566 00:33:47,200 --> 00:33:49,000 So what could happen? 567 00:33:49,000 --> 00:33:53,480 A judge could say, a judge could give the judicial order to Disney want. 568 00:33:53,480 --> 00:33:55,200 Probably not going to happen so fast. 569 00:33:55,200 --> 00:33:59,760 This could escalate Florida Supreme Court, but escalate to the Supreme Court depending 570 00:33:59,760 --> 00:34:01,760 on how it goes. 571 00:34:01,760 --> 00:34:05,480 But I think eventually, you know, state of Florida has a lot of money. 572 00:34:05,480 --> 00:34:08,720 Walt Disney company have a lot of money. 573 00:34:08,720 --> 00:34:12,640 And they've done that, you know, if you want to get in the lawsuit, they'll grind you, man, 574 00:34:12,640 --> 00:34:13,640 and they'll keep going. 575 00:34:13,640 --> 00:34:15,480 And, and this is a big thing. 576 00:34:15,480 --> 00:34:18,720 So it's not like, it's not like they're going to be like, yeah, you know, I'll be decided 577 00:34:18,720 --> 00:34:20,560 to settle this and fix it. 578 00:34:20,560 --> 00:34:23,800 No, they're, you know, they are going to stick to their guns on this one. 579 00:34:23,800 --> 00:34:27,480 And I think that it's going to be a long hard battle for the state of Florida and Governor 580 00:34:27,480 --> 00:34:28,680 DeSantis. 581 00:34:28,680 --> 00:34:32,440 And it might be a battle that might end up harming him in the larger battle that he hopes 582 00:34:32,440 --> 00:34:35,200 to be a winner in terms of presidential ambitions. 583 00:34:35,200 --> 00:34:36,200 Yeah, we will see. 584 00:34:36,200 --> 00:34:38,440 This is very, very interesting. 585 00:34:38,440 --> 00:34:45,520 I am, I'm on deadline.com all the time, jacking up for updates on what is going to happen next. 586 00:34:45,520 --> 00:34:47,720 So Dominic, where can we follow you? 587 00:34:47,720 --> 00:34:50,280 Well, of course, you can follow me on deadline.com. 588 00:34:50,280 --> 00:34:54,440 You can also follow my stories and those of my colleagues on deadline, social media platforms, 589 00:34:54,440 --> 00:34:57,240 both on Instagram and on Twitter and many others. 590 00:34:57,240 --> 00:34:58,240 Facebook at deadline. 591 00:34:58,240 --> 00:35:00,640 Pretty much common, not too hard to find. 592 00:35:00,640 --> 00:35:02,760 You can also follow me on Twitter. 593 00:35:02,760 --> 00:35:07,360 My Twitter account is at deadline Dominic, which you know is full of retweets mainly about 594 00:35:07,360 --> 00:35:11,040 soccer games and street art that I love, but also the occasional thing I write about so 595 00:35:11,040 --> 00:35:12,720 that that might be a good place to be. 596 00:35:12,720 --> 00:35:17,240 But the main place, as I said, you can follow us on deadline.com where you'll see all the 597 00:35:17,240 --> 00:35:20,880 breaking news you need to know about what's going on in the entertainment and media industries 598 00:35:20,880 --> 00:35:22,200 each and every day. 599 00:35:22,200 --> 00:35:23,200 Awesome. 600 00:35:23,200 --> 00:35:26,520 Thank you so much, Dominic, Patton, deadline, Hollywood. 601 00:35:26,520 --> 00:35:29,000 I look forward to speaking with you again very soon. 602 00:35:29,000 --> 00:35:30,000 Thank you, my friend. 603 00:35:30,000 --> 00:35:31,000 I do too. 604 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:35,160 Make a break and then I am back with interviews. 605 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:37,160 Dominic's awesome, isn't he? 606 00:35:37,160 --> 00:35:46,800 So next up, my interview with Judy Bloom, Rachel McAdams, the cast of, "Are you there, God?" 607 00:35:46,800 --> 00:35:53,400 It's me, Margaret, which is out in theaters today or now depending on when you're listening. 608 00:35:53,400 --> 00:35:54,880 All right, we're going to take a break. 609 00:35:54,880 --> 00:35:56,800 We'll be right back. 610 00:35:56,800 --> 00:36:01,280 All right, welcome back to Pop Culture weekly. 611 00:36:01,280 --> 00:36:05,640 So it is our interview time. 612 00:36:05,640 --> 00:36:08,120 I've got some awesome interviews. 613 00:36:08,120 --> 00:36:15,440 James L. Brooks, also known as Jim Brooks and Julie Anzel, who they are the producers behind. 614 00:36:15,440 --> 00:36:17,040 Are you there, God? 615 00:36:17,040 --> 00:36:18,040 It is me. 616 00:36:18,040 --> 00:36:19,040 It is me. 617 00:36:19,040 --> 00:36:20,040 Are you there, God? 618 00:36:20,040 --> 00:36:26,760 It's me, Margaret, which by the way is, if you have lived under Iraq for 50 years. 619 00:36:26,760 --> 00:36:34,520 This book is, geez, I would say one of the most well-known books of all time. 620 00:36:34,520 --> 00:36:36,840 It is multi-generational. 621 00:36:36,840 --> 00:36:44,880 And basically, Judy Bloom wrote this iconic novel where Margaret shares her secrets on and 622 00:36:44,880 --> 00:36:45,880 her spirituality. 623 00:36:45,880 --> 00:36:48,760 She has a parents that have different religions. 624 00:36:48,760 --> 00:36:55,280 She has grown up really non-religious, but she talks to God anyway. 625 00:36:55,280 --> 00:36:58,320 And she talks about sex and all kinds of stuff. 626 00:36:58,320 --> 00:37:03,960 Age appropriately, of course, from a young teenage girl's point of view. 627 00:37:03,960 --> 00:37:06,760 And it's very age-appropriate. 628 00:37:06,760 --> 00:37:07,760 It is iconic. 629 00:37:07,760 --> 00:37:09,200 It is classic. 630 00:37:09,200 --> 00:37:12,640 And there's a reason that it is as huge as it is. 631 00:37:12,640 --> 00:37:19,280 So the film is out today from Lionsgate, or now, depending on when you are listening. 632 00:37:19,280 --> 00:37:23,400 And it stars Abbey Rider Fortson, who plays Margaret. 633 00:37:23,400 --> 00:37:26,640 Rachel McAdams plays her mom Barbara. 634 00:37:26,640 --> 00:37:30,760 Kathy Bates plays The Grandmother, which is awesome. 635 00:37:30,760 --> 00:37:39,360 It is written and directed by Kelly Freeman Craig, who wrote and directed The Edge of 17, 636 00:37:39,360 --> 00:37:40,760 such a good movie. 637 00:37:40,760 --> 00:37:45,120 And produced, as I said, by James L. Brooks. 638 00:37:45,120 --> 00:37:49,320 And Julie Ansel, who, if you don't know, James L. Brooks. 639 00:37:49,320 --> 00:37:51,760 First of all, have you ever heard of The Simpsons? 640 00:37:51,760 --> 00:37:54,280 And of course, Julie Ansel. 641 00:37:54,280 --> 00:37:57,280 Big broadcast news, Jerry McGuire. 642 00:37:57,280 --> 00:38:02,480 As good as it gets, riding in cars with boys, spanglish, The Simpsons movie. 643 00:38:02,480 --> 00:38:05,080 I mean, like what? 644 00:38:05,080 --> 00:38:07,000 These guys are super producers. 645 00:38:07,000 --> 00:38:10,040 So let's start with them. 646 00:38:10,040 --> 00:38:14,560 Let's talk with James L. Brooks and Julie Ansel. 647 00:38:14,560 --> 00:38:15,800 Here we go. 648 00:38:15,800 --> 00:38:16,800 Here we go. 649 00:38:16,800 --> 00:38:17,800 Here we go. 650 00:38:17,800 --> 00:38:24,160 The first one, a fan of both of your works, a fan of the work of both of you. 651 00:38:24,160 --> 00:38:26,160 And this film is no different. 652 00:38:26,160 --> 00:38:31,400 I find it really interesting for me that it is coming out now, with all these book bannings 653 00:38:31,400 --> 00:38:33,280 and that sort of thing. 654 00:38:33,280 --> 00:38:39,160 You have been working on this since I believe 2018 or something like that. 655 00:38:39,160 --> 00:38:43,800 Why was now the time to get it out there? 656 00:38:43,800 --> 00:38:49,120 I think it has to do with a specific filmmaker, Kelly Freeman Craig, who did her first film. 657 00:38:49,120 --> 00:38:52,360 We all did it together, edge of 17. 658 00:38:52,360 --> 00:38:59,040 And then wrote Judy a letter saying, I'd love to adapt Margaret, which Judy had withheld 659 00:38:59,040 --> 00:39:02,400 from making for 50 years. 660 00:39:02,400 --> 00:39:05,160 We went in and saw her. 661 00:39:05,160 --> 00:39:09,360 And in that meeting, she decided to let us make the movie. 662 00:39:09,360 --> 00:39:16,160 And Julie, for you, it's a huge thing, in my opinion, for this to finally have become a movie 663 00:39:16,160 --> 00:39:18,480 after 50 years. 664 00:39:18,480 --> 00:39:25,160 What was it like for you as a creator to be part of this team that was able to make this 665 00:39:25,160 --> 00:39:26,160 happen? 666 00:39:26,160 --> 00:39:28,600 Oh, I mean, it was amazing. 667 00:39:28,600 --> 00:39:34,440 I mean, I read the book when I was 12 and it helped me get through puberty and to know 668 00:39:34,440 --> 00:39:39,960 that it's been doing that for 50 years for women and then to be able to hope that this movie 669 00:39:39,960 --> 00:39:47,400 will also do that in its way and help kids now kind of get through that time and relate 670 00:39:47,400 --> 00:39:49,080 to it and know they're not alone. 671 00:39:49,080 --> 00:39:54,280 I mean, it just, it was an amazing experience. 672 00:39:54,280 --> 00:39:57,000 Again, I love this movie. 673 00:39:57,000 --> 00:40:07,400 I also love that you didn't shy away in producing this from really anything in there. 674 00:40:07,400 --> 00:40:10,920 Obviously, I would assume that's a very purposeful choice. 675 00:40:10,920 --> 00:40:15,360 Was there anything that you were nervous about as you were tackling this? 676 00:40:15,360 --> 00:40:17,120 I remember Kelly. 677 00:40:17,120 --> 00:40:22,040 One of the girls gets her period first and there was a question of what's it like? 678 00:40:22,040 --> 00:40:23,040 What's it like? 679 00:40:23,040 --> 00:40:24,040 The other girls asked her. 680 00:40:24,040 --> 00:40:28,520 Kelly had gone around to all her friends and asked them what it was like and wasn't there 681 00:40:28,520 --> 00:40:29,520 a smell? 682 00:40:29,520 --> 00:40:30,800 Wasn't there a smell catcher? 683 00:40:30,800 --> 00:40:38,160 And she said, and one girl nailed it and she said, "Yeah, monkey bars." 684 00:40:38,160 --> 00:40:45,480 So, so it was just the research was so intimate and you know, women getting together and talking 685 00:40:45,480 --> 00:40:48,760 about it as part of making the movie. 686 00:40:48,760 --> 00:40:55,000 Was it important for you to have, you know, it seems Judy was extremely involved in this? 687 00:40:55,000 --> 00:40:58,440 Was it important for you to have that original voice there? 688 00:40:58,440 --> 00:41:00,840 It was, oh, you always felt blessed. 689 00:41:00,840 --> 00:41:07,600 I mean, when she came to the set maybe five times that each time was reassuring because 690 00:41:07,600 --> 00:41:12,680 we were so nervous about not doing right by her and letting her down in any way. 691 00:41:12,680 --> 00:41:20,320 So when it was she came and said, "Okay, it was like it made a real difference." 692 00:41:20,320 --> 00:41:21,320 I love it. 693 00:41:21,320 --> 00:41:22,720 Thank you both so much for your time. 694 00:41:22,720 --> 00:41:26,720 I can't wait for everybody to see this and you know, they can band books. 695 00:41:26,720 --> 00:41:28,880 They'll have a much, much harder time doing this. 696 00:41:28,880 --> 00:41:31,920 So people will get the message ultimately. 697 00:41:31,920 --> 00:41:32,920 Thank you both so much. 698 00:41:32,920 --> 00:41:33,920 Here here. 699 00:41:33,920 --> 00:41:34,920 Thanks. 700 00:41:34,920 --> 00:41:35,920 Thanks. 701 00:41:35,920 --> 00:41:36,920 Thank you. 702 00:41:36,920 --> 00:41:40,040 I am so like, I'm fanboying out. 703 00:41:40,040 --> 00:41:45,880 I just talked to Jim Brooks, James L. Brooks and Julie Ansel, super producers like Ahus Hu 704 00:41:45,880 --> 00:41:47,960 in, you know, show business. 705 00:41:47,960 --> 00:41:55,640 I love that I talk to them and I love that they have made this iconic book come to life. 706 00:41:55,640 --> 00:42:03,560 Next up, let's talk to the woman herself, the women themselves, writer director Kelly Freeman, 707 00:42:03,560 --> 00:42:07,040 Craig and Judy. 708 00:42:07,040 --> 00:42:08,360 Mother F and Bloom. 709 00:42:08,360 --> 00:42:10,280 Thank you so much both of you for joining me. 710 00:42:10,280 --> 00:42:11,640 I really appreciate it. 711 00:42:11,640 --> 00:42:12,640 Thank you. 712 00:42:12,640 --> 00:42:13,640 Thank you. 713 00:42:13,640 --> 00:42:19,320 Of course, Judy, I'd like to start with you for 50 years, you know, almost. 714 00:42:19,320 --> 00:42:26,400 You have declined, I guess you could say, to allow this film or I'm sorry, the book to 715 00:42:26,400 --> 00:42:27,760 become a film. 716 00:42:27,760 --> 00:42:31,560 Why was it now? 717 00:42:31,560 --> 00:42:32,560 Why was it now? 718 00:42:32,560 --> 00:42:43,560 It's now because the right team came to me at the right time and I said yes and I just 719 00:42:43,560 --> 00:42:47,880 knew that it was the right team and it was and it is. 720 00:42:47,880 --> 00:42:48,880 Yeah. 721 00:42:48,880 --> 00:42:54,040 Yeah, it's such an amazing film and Kelly, you, I mean, from the edge of 17 to this, all of 722 00:42:54,040 --> 00:42:56,560 your work, but I mean you were like me right person. 723 00:42:56,560 --> 00:43:02,320 I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt, but that is, that was in Kelly's initial letter to 724 00:43:02,320 --> 00:43:09,560 me and I had seen the edge of 17 and I'm like, wait, you wrote that and you directed that. 725 00:43:09,560 --> 00:43:11,400 I loved that movie. 726 00:43:11,400 --> 00:43:15,160 That was a credential that no one else has ever come to me with. 727 00:43:15,160 --> 00:43:18,240 I was so excited that Judy Bloom had seen that movie. 728 00:43:18,240 --> 00:43:20,800 I was like, why is that? 729 00:43:20,800 --> 00:43:26,000 And for you, Kelly, when you got that, yes, where you like, like I feel like that's a lot 730 00:43:26,000 --> 00:43:27,560 of weight on the shoulders. 731 00:43:27,560 --> 00:43:28,880 I'd be so nervous. 732 00:43:28,880 --> 00:43:36,080 Yeah, I mean, the real excited and yeah, an incredibly nerve wracking because, you know, 733 00:43:36,080 --> 00:43:44,120 yeah, I just felt a tremendous responsibility to get it right and to make Judy proud and 734 00:43:44,120 --> 00:43:50,920 to make the fans happy and feel like this was, this is the book come to life on film, you 735 00:43:50,920 --> 00:43:51,920 know. 736 00:43:51,920 --> 00:43:56,720 And most of all, just really wanted to deliver the spirit of the book. 737 00:43:56,720 --> 00:44:00,960 And she did all of that and more. 738 00:44:00,960 --> 00:44:04,200 So I'm very, very grateful. 739 00:44:04,200 --> 00:44:05,200 I love it. 740 00:44:05,200 --> 00:44:12,360 I think it's such an incredible film and Judy, for you, you, I believe I read that you said 741 00:44:12,360 --> 00:44:14,400 the film is better than the book. 742 00:44:14,400 --> 00:44:15,720 Did you say that? 743 00:44:15,720 --> 00:44:18,640 I did say that on national television. 744 00:44:18,640 --> 00:44:20,640 Yes, I did say that. 745 00:44:20,640 --> 00:44:27,280 And the reason is, is because you get to see not just a 12-year-old's point of view, but 746 00:44:27,280 --> 00:44:32,520 you get to see a rounded mother, a real mother. 747 00:44:32,520 --> 00:44:39,280 And Rachel McAdams is incredible in this role and a father and a grandmother. 748 00:44:39,280 --> 00:44:41,880 And you get to see the different generations. 749 00:44:41,880 --> 00:44:45,960 And I mean, that's very interesting for me, you know. 750 00:44:45,960 --> 00:44:50,600 So and I think it will be for everyone because you've got the, you've got the book. 751 00:44:50,600 --> 00:44:53,960 I promise you all, you've got the book. 752 00:44:53,960 --> 00:44:54,960 It's there. 753 00:44:54,960 --> 00:44:57,120 Plus, you've got more. 754 00:44:57,120 --> 00:44:59,200 Kelly, how does that feel to hear that? 755 00:44:59,200 --> 00:45:01,920 I, I, I mean, this is Judy freaking bloom. 756 00:45:01,920 --> 00:45:02,920 This is my language. 757 00:45:02,920 --> 00:45:07,400 I'm telling, I've been trying to process it since, since you first said it. 758 00:45:07,400 --> 00:45:12,800 It's, I mean, I, it's the most important thing to me was to make Judy happy. 759 00:45:12,800 --> 00:45:18,120 So I'm just so happy she's happy and relieved to know and all those things. 760 00:45:18,120 --> 00:45:20,120 I'm very happy. 761 00:45:20,120 --> 00:45:22,080 But I love it. 762 00:45:22,080 --> 00:45:25,240 And you know, it's kudos to, to both of you. 763 00:45:25,240 --> 00:45:29,000 I was talking earlier that with all these book bannings and all that stuff. 764 00:45:29,000 --> 00:45:34,680 I love that this movie is coming out now because so many more people will have access to it. 765 00:45:34,680 --> 00:45:40,400 Whether they're local, you know, politicians have decided that the book should be banned 766 00:45:40,400 --> 00:45:43,800 or not, they're going to have this story here anyway. 767 00:45:43,800 --> 00:45:44,800 Yes. 768 00:45:44,800 --> 00:45:50,000 And when we made it, we had no idea that we were going to wind up where we were in the 769 00:45:50,000 --> 00:45:53,040 80s plus plus plus plus plus plus. 770 00:45:53,040 --> 00:45:54,040 Yeah. 771 00:45:54,040 --> 00:45:55,040 Yeah. 772 00:45:55,040 --> 00:45:56,040 Thank you both so much. 773 00:45:56,040 --> 00:45:58,360 I can't wait for everybody to see this. 774 00:45:58,360 --> 00:45:59,600 Have a great day. 775 00:45:59,600 --> 00:46:00,600 Thank you. 776 00:46:00,600 --> 00:46:08,080 Guys, I just talked to Kelly Freeman Craig and Judy mother bloom. 777 00:46:08,080 --> 00:46:09,080 Okay. 778 00:46:09,080 --> 00:46:10,280 Judy bloom. 779 00:46:10,280 --> 00:46:12,040 She wrote blubber. 780 00:46:12,040 --> 00:46:14,800 She wrote tales of a fourth grade, nothing. 781 00:46:14,800 --> 00:46:16,600 She wrote Dini. 782 00:46:16,600 --> 00:46:22,320 She is named one of the most influential people in the world by Tom magazine, one of the 783 00:46:22,320 --> 00:46:27,080 100 most influential people in the world by time magazine. 784 00:46:27,080 --> 00:46:28,080 Like what? 785 00:46:28,080 --> 00:46:29,400 I icon. 786 00:46:29,400 --> 00:46:32,040 She's so, and how cool is she? 787 00:46:32,040 --> 00:46:33,280 She's so freaking awesome. 788 00:46:33,280 --> 00:46:38,640 And there's also a documentary out now called Judy bloom forever, which premiered at Sundance, 789 00:46:38,640 --> 00:46:41,480 which I haven't seen yet, but it looks really good. 790 00:46:41,480 --> 00:46:46,680 And it's basically a documentary centered around Judy mother bloom. 791 00:46:46,680 --> 00:46:47,680 Okay. 792 00:46:47,680 --> 00:46:51,960 So actually, it is on a prime video as now. 793 00:46:51,960 --> 00:46:53,480 I was just told by Justin. 794 00:46:53,480 --> 00:46:54,480 Thank you. 795 00:46:54,480 --> 00:46:55,800 Justin, best producer. 796 00:46:55,800 --> 00:46:56,800 So yes. 797 00:46:56,800 --> 00:46:59,000 All right. 798 00:46:59,000 --> 00:47:00,000 Next up. 799 00:47:00,000 --> 00:47:03,160 And finally, the stars of, are you there? 800 00:47:03,160 --> 00:47:08,880 God, it's me Margaret Abby, writer, Fortson and Rachel. 801 00:47:08,880 --> 00:47:09,880 Make Adam. 802 00:47:09,880 --> 00:47:10,880 Thank you for joining me. 803 00:47:10,880 --> 00:47:11,880 I really appreciate it. 804 00:47:11,880 --> 00:47:13,520 Thanks for having us. 805 00:47:13,520 --> 00:47:14,520 Of course. 806 00:47:14,520 --> 00:47:17,880 So film is absolutely amazing. 807 00:47:17,880 --> 00:47:20,760 You both do such a wonderful job in it. 808 00:47:20,760 --> 00:47:29,440 And I just talked to Judy about, you know, 50 years and now it is out here as a film. 809 00:47:29,440 --> 00:47:35,720 And for you, both of you as actors, you know, I feel like that would make me really nervous 810 00:47:35,720 --> 00:47:39,840 to know that, you know, okay, I'm going to be Margaret. 811 00:47:39,840 --> 00:47:47,040 You know, like, how is that for you knowing the history and cultural impact of this book? 812 00:47:47,040 --> 00:47:53,360 Honestly, I'm just so honored to be the one that was chosen to play Margaret and bring 813 00:47:53,360 --> 00:47:55,120 her to the big screen. 814 00:47:55,120 --> 00:47:59,440 And I'm so glad that Judy loved everything and signed off on it. 815 00:47:59,440 --> 00:48:03,520 I know while she was on set, we were all like anxiously waiting to see her reaction and 816 00:48:03,520 --> 00:48:06,120 be like, oh my God, is Judy gonna like approve this? 817 00:48:06,120 --> 00:48:08,440 Is Judy loving this? 818 00:48:08,440 --> 00:48:14,880 And yeah, I relate to Margaret on so many levels and I have gone through pretty much everything 819 00:48:14,880 --> 00:48:16,520 that she has. 820 00:48:16,520 --> 00:48:24,560 And I'm just so, so lucky that I was able to bring this iconic character to life. 821 00:48:24,560 --> 00:48:27,760 I love that and you do such an amazing job with it. 822 00:48:27,760 --> 00:48:29,280 How about for you, Rachel? 823 00:48:29,280 --> 00:48:33,720 Sorry, what was the question again? 824 00:48:33,720 --> 00:48:37,720 Just knowing the history power of this book. 825 00:48:37,720 --> 00:48:41,040 Yes, yes, I definitely felt pressure. 826 00:48:41,040 --> 00:48:46,960 Yeah, that's half a century that waiting to see what group of people would bring Margaret 827 00:48:46,960 --> 00:48:50,080 to the screen and to be a part of that, I was worried. 828 00:48:50,080 --> 00:48:56,760 I was not, I got the invitation, but it wasn't meant for me somehow. 829 00:48:56,760 --> 00:49:01,960 But yeah, just, I just, yeah, I really wanted Judy to be happy and I've heard that I think 830 00:49:01,960 --> 00:49:02,960 she is. 831 00:49:02,960 --> 00:49:04,280 And that's kind of all I care about. 832 00:49:04,280 --> 00:49:06,400 I'm like, I don't care if everybody hates it. 833 00:49:06,400 --> 00:49:08,840 Judy has to be happy, yes. 834 00:49:08,840 --> 00:49:12,000 Yeah, she told me that it's better than the book. 835 00:49:12,000 --> 00:49:13,000 I know. 836 00:49:13,000 --> 00:49:16,120 And that's a testament to how sweet Judy is. 837 00:49:16,120 --> 00:49:18,200 But yeah, yeah. 838 00:49:18,200 --> 00:49:25,420 And Abby, for you, did you, you know, you're talking about real issues that real girls and 839 00:49:25,420 --> 00:49:30,640 young women deal with as well as bigger issues that we all deal with, but were you nervous 840 00:49:30,640 --> 00:49:35,720 at all to kind of go out and put it all out there on the big screen? 841 00:49:35,720 --> 00:49:36,720 Not really. 842 00:49:36,720 --> 00:49:42,800 I mean, I've, yeah, like I've dealt with everything that Margaret has and I feel like Kelly was super 843 00:49:42,800 --> 00:49:50,280 duper respectful and I always felt safe on set to, you know, talk about all this stuff. 844 00:49:50,280 --> 00:49:59,080 And I think that honestly, we've kind of made this, these topics uncomfortable in society 845 00:49:59,080 --> 00:50:05,280 and along with not wanting to have, you know, the talk from your parents. 846 00:50:05,280 --> 00:50:11,400 And I think that it's so unnecessary because we need to talk about these things and having 847 00:50:11,400 --> 00:50:15,520 that barrier is just not helpful for anyone. 848 00:50:15,520 --> 00:50:20,120 And yeah, I always felt super comfortable on set and I was actually super happy that I was 849 00:50:20,120 --> 00:50:26,640 able to talk about all of these topics in such a unique way. 850 00:50:26,640 --> 00:50:32,760 I think storytelling and filmmaking is such an amazing way to talk about things that you 851 00:50:32,760 --> 00:50:36,560 might not want to have a sit down conversation with with your parents, you know. 852 00:50:36,560 --> 00:50:42,920 I think that the film can be a great opener for, you know, the sex talker, all that stuff. 853 00:50:42,920 --> 00:50:48,800 You can just show them the film, your parents can take the kids to go see the film and you 854 00:50:48,800 --> 00:50:54,280 can have a discussion about it without, you know, talking about yourself, but instead 855 00:50:54,280 --> 00:50:58,600 talking about the characters in the film being like, oh, what did you think about this? 856 00:50:58,600 --> 00:51:02,880 How is this relating to you, maybe? 857 00:51:02,880 --> 00:51:09,120 And I think it's a great way to just have these conversations without making them uncomfortable 858 00:51:09,120 --> 00:51:11,880 or awkward. 859 00:51:11,880 --> 00:51:12,880 I love that. 860 00:51:12,880 --> 00:51:14,520 Thank you both for speaking with me. 861 00:51:14,520 --> 00:51:17,360 I can't wait for everybody to go and see, are you there? 862 00:51:17,360 --> 00:51:18,760 God, it's me, Margaret. 863 00:51:18,760 --> 00:51:19,760 Thank you. 864 00:51:19,760 --> 00:51:20,760 Thank you. 865 00:51:20,760 --> 00:51:26,440 Happy writer, forced it in Rachel McGatham's. 866 00:51:26,440 --> 00:51:31,040 I'm so happy that this film has been made and it's out. 867 00:51:31,040 --> 00:51:32,680 It's a great film. 868 00:51:32,680 --> 00:51:33,680 You gotta show it. 869 00:51:33,680 --> 00:51:38,400 You know, as I said, it's one of those films that you, it's one of those projects that you 870 00:51:38,400 --> 00:51:39,400 know what? 871 00:51:39,400 --> 00:51:42,360 Really hard to ban this movie in Florida. 872 00:51:42,360 --> 00:51:49,960 It still actually ranks as one of the top 100 most frequently banned books. 873 00:51:49,960 --> 00:51:54,400 In America today, as in 2023. 874 00:51:54,400 --> 00:51:58,680 So in any event, that is our show for this week. 875 00:51:58,680 --> 00:52:04,200 Thank you once again, Dominic Patton from Deadline Hollywood. 876 00:52:04,200 --> 00:52:13,160 Links in the show notes and the cast and producers and director writer of, are you there? 877 00:52:13,160 --> 00:52:15,080 God, it's me, Margaret. 878 00:52:15,080 --> 00:52:20,520 And special shout out to Judy Mother Bloom. 879 00:52:20,520 --> 00:52:21,520 See you next week. 880 00:52:21,520 --> 00:52:22,520 I love you. 881 00:52:22,520 --> 00:52:25,680 Well, thank you for listening to Pop Culture Weekly. 882 00:52:25,680 --> 00:52:29,320 You're all the latest at popcultureweekly.com. 883 00:52:29,320 --> 00:52:39,320 I just talked to Judy Maaf in blue. 884 00:52:39,320 --> 00:52:44,320 I just talked to Judy. 885 00:52:44,320 --> 00:52:49,040 I just talked to Judy Maaf in blue. 886 00:52:49,040 --> 00:52:52,280 I just talked with Judy.