Oct. 31, 2022

Halloween & Horror Fanatic super group LVCRFT

Halloween & Horror Fanatic super group LVCRFT

In the annual Halloween episode of Pop Culture Weekly, Kyle McMahon talks to music super group & horror fanatics LVCRFT. They discuss their smash hit Skeleton Sam (Hocus Pocus 2), their new album with horror score legend Christopher Young (Hellraiser,...

In the annual Halloween episode of Pop Culture Weekly, Kyle McMahon talks to music super group & horror fanatics LVCRFT. They discuss their smash hit Skeleton Sam (Hocus Pocus 2), their new album with horror score legend Christopher Young (Hellraiser, Pet Semetary) called Scream Warrriors and so much more!

Check out their incredible Halloween & Horror Music related bops at: https://lvcrft.net/


For more spooky, horror & Halloween related content from Pop Culture Weekly, go here: PopCultureWeekly.com


Kyle McMahon's Death, Grief & Other Sh*t We Don't Discuss is now streaming: https://www.deathandgrief.show/Chapter-One-The-Diagnosis-AKA-WTF/

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