Oct. 31, 2023

HALLOWEEN 2023! LVCRFT & Valerie Complex (Deadline) Talk Horror & Halloween Movies!

HALLOWEEN 2023! LVCRFT & Valerie Complex (Deadline) Talk Horror & Halloween Movies!

Welcome to a special Halloween 2023 edition of http://podcast.popcultureweekly.com! Listen in as your host http://www.kyle2u.com, aka Spooky Boy, chats with Valerie Complex from http://www.deadline.com about the world of horror movies. They share...

Welcome to a special Halloween 2023 edition of Pop Culture Weekly with Kyle McMahon! Listen in as your host Kyle McMahon, aka Spooky Boy, chats with Valerie Complex from Deadline Hollywood about the world of horror movies. They share their all-time favorites, recent releases, and the divisive films that still have us debating. From The Exorcist and Halloween to the Ring 2 and Midsommar, their conversation explores the intricacies of the horror genre, highlighting the elements that make a great horror film. Valerie & Kyle also discuss the underrepresentation in Hollywood that has found a home in horror. They celebrate the genre's recent inclusivity and the triumphs of filmmakers like Jordan Peele, Yatu Jusu, and Nia D'Costa. As they navigate the nuances of the genre, they also touch on the power of horror at the box office, exploring how it has become a renaissance within the film industry and its consistent success.

Then the conversation turns to the music industry's embrace of spooky culture, as LVCRFT's MNDR (Amanda Warner) returns to discuss LVCRFT's new album V. They explore the impact of horror-inspired music, discussing their huge and continually growing successes and the inspiration behind their latest album V. We round off our chat with a fun exploration of the spooky season celebrations and anticipation for upcoming Halloween events. From major labels signing artists with spooky brands to the competition for the biggest spooky hit, they leave no tombstone unturned. Join us for this thrilling conversation that's sure to send chills down your spine!

Listen to V by LVCRFT here!

Go in depth with Deadline's Valerie Complex here!

Get the very latest, 24/7 breaking news from Deadline.com

Kyle McMahon's Death, Grief & Other Sh*t We Don't Discuss is now streaming: https://www.deathandgrief.show/Chapter-One-The-Diagnosis-AKA-WTF/

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WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.240 --> 00:00:05.360 In this special Halloween twenty twenty three edition of pop Culture Weekly, I talk 2 00:00:05.440 --> 00:00:11.199 with Valerie Complex from Deadline all about horror movies today and then once again I 3 00:00:11.279 --> 00:00:17.800 bring back Lovecraft to talk about their brand new album. Let's go. Welcome 4 00:00:18.079 --> 00:00:24.120 to pop Culture Weekly with Kyle McMahon from iHeartRadio your pop culture news, views, 5 00:00:24.359 --> 00:00:29.079 reviews and celebrity interviews on all the movies, TV, music and pop 6 00:00:29.079 --> 00:00:38.799 culture u crabe Weekly. Here's Kyle mcmahonner no Nonerner. Hello, Welcome to 7 00:00:38.840 --> 00:00:42.320 pop Culture Weekly with Kyle McMahon. I of course am Kyle McMahon and I 8 00:00:42.320 --> 00:00:45.359 am so happy. You know, this is my favorite time of the year. 9 00:00:45.479 --> 00:00:49.840 Halloween is my favorite holiday, my favorite day of the year, and 10 00:00:49.960 --> 00:00:56.119 so I always look forward to it and this episode in particular. Today once 11 00:00:56.159 --> 00:01:00.520 again Lovecraft is back and we talk about their brand new album, which I 12 00:01:00.560 --> 00:01:07.359 can't wait to discuss. And from Deadlinehollywood Deadline dot Com, Valerie Complex joins 13 00:01:07.439 --> 00:01:12.799 me. She is an associate editor and film writer with Deadline and a horror 14 00:01:12.840 --> 00:01:17.560 fan and she's a badass girl. Let me tell you that love her. 15 00:01:18.120 --> 00:01:22.040 So without further ado, let's just get right into it. Okay, let's 16 00:01:22.079 --> 00:01:26.239 just get to the good stuff. Here we go, Valerie Complex. So 17 00:01:27.319 --> 00:01:33.079 I am here with the one and only Valerie Complex. She is awesome. 18 00:01:33.159 --> 00:01:38.400 She is an associate editor and film writer at Deadline, which, as I've 19 00:01:38.640 --> 00:01:42.239 talked about all the time on the show, my go to resource for breaking 20 00:01:42.280 --> 00:01:48.439 news in Hollywood and beyond. Thank you so much for joining me, Valerie. 21 00:01:48.439 --> 00:01:52.560 I really appreciate it. Thank you for having me much appreciate it. 22 00:01:52.680 --> 00:01:56.599 Of course, I feel like this has been like months in the making because 23 00:01:56.680 --> 00:02:01.359 it has. Right, Life happened and schedules don't aligne sometimes, so it's 24 00:02:01.400 --> 00:02:07.879 all good. Yeah. And you are a busy, busy person with the 25 00:02:07.400 --> 00:02:14.280 all the award award shows, film circuits, film festival circuits and all that 26 00:02:14.319 --> 00:02:17.080 good stuff. You are highly in demand, so I really appreciate you chilling 27 00:02:17.120 --> 00:02:22.240 with me for a little bit. So we are talking. We're in my 28 00:02:22.400 --> 00:02:24.919 favorite month of the year, leading up to my favorite day of the year, 29 00:02:25.039 --> 00:02:30.599 my favorite holiday, and that is Halloween. And you and I are 30 00:02:30.719 --> 00:02:38.719 big horror film genre film people. And that's how you got your start into 31 00:02:38.800 --> 00:02:40.840 journalism, right I was, Yeah, that's how I got involved. I 32 00:02:40.879 --> 00:02:50.280 was covering mostly horror and science fiction on the now defunct movie Pilot website. 33 00:02:50.319 --> 00:02:54.719 I don't know if anybody remembers. I remember there, and then you know, 34 00:02:55.680 --> 00:03:00.000 moved up from there. I started writing for genre sites like a GS, 35 00:03:00.199 --> 00:03:04.360 The nerdst Black Girl Nerds and things of that nature, and that was, 36 00:03:04.439 --> 00:03:06.639 you know, and then I you know, wrote for Io nine, 37 00:03:06.680 --> 00:03:09.639 which is a big sci fi or so I so that was fun. I 38 00:03:09.719 --> 00:03:15.520 wasn't always like straight laced, you know, right right? Yeah, you 39 00:03:15.520 --> 00:03:19.639 know, randomly, what is your favorite if you can pick one your favorite 40 00:03:19.719 --> 00:03:24.879 horror movie of the year or just in general, just in general. That's 41 00:03:25.000 --> 00:03:29.759 hard because you know, you have a film that's your favorite when you're younger. 42 00:03:29.800 --> 00:03:30.759 As you get older, you're like, wow, does this trash? 43 00:03:30.800 --> 00:03:36.360 And so yeah. So many, like very little have held up. But 44 00:03:37.000 --> 00:03:39.439 if I have to talk about one that's held up even into adulthood, I 45 00:03:39.439 --> 00:03:43.759 would have to say the exorsis ooh, that's a good woman. And it's 46 00:03:43.800 --> 00:03:47.000 what the fortieth anniversary this year. Yeah, And I know it's like a 47 00:03:47.080 --> 00:03:53.319 super you know, regular answer and kind of cliche it at this point, 48 00:03:53.360 --> 00:03:55.120 but it's only one that I can think of that has been like, oh 49 00:03:55.199 --> 00:03:58.759 wow, this held up. Yeah, So let me talk about letterbox, 50 00:03:58.840 --> 00:04:03.439 because I may have an option and there that I didn't think of, But 51 00:04:03.639 --> 00:04:09.560 I would say the exercise what about you? I would probably say the Original 52 00:04:09.680 --> 00:04:14.680 Halloween. I'd say the Original Halloween for whatever reason. I don't know if 53 00:04:14.680 --> 00:04:17.439 it's part nostalgia or what, but as a horror movie, you know, 54 00:04:17.519 --> 00:04:23.199 I think it's still really effective. Just the score and just everything kind of 55 00:04:23.240 --> 00:04:29.720 comes together to be really creepy, even today for me. Okay, so 56 00:04:30.199 --> 00:04:34.000 now some more are sort of rolling off the rolling, you know, out 57 00:04:34.040 --> 00:04:40.279 of my head, and so I'm thinking about like the ring to the Japanese. 58 00:04:42.040 --> 00:04:48.560 I really liked a film called It's called Cairo in Japanese, but it's 59 00:04:48.639 --> 00:04:55.879 the Japanese, Okay. So in America it's called Pulse. In Japan is 60 00:04:55.959 --> 00:05:00.920 called Cairo. Okay. That's a really awesome movie that sort of stands up 61 00:05:01.560 --> 00:05:10.639 against time. And let's see. Uh. I liked Midsmar. I know 62 00:05:10.720 --> 00:05:14.319 that's like a oh boy. Can we talk about that for a second. 63 00:05:15.120 --> 00:05:20.600 Yes, So I first of all, I love the writer director. Secondly, 64 00:05:21.360 --> 00:05:28.399 I still to this day I love A twenty four and almost everything that 65 00:05:28.399 --> 00:05:33.160 they've ever released. I was in the theater and I remember when it ended 66 00:05:33.399 --> 00:05:38.560 I said to myself, and I still feel this way today. I don't 67 00:05:38.600 --> 00:05:44.199 know if that was the worst thing I've ever seen or the best thing I've 68 00:05:44.199 --> 00:05:47.560 ever seen, And today today I'm still I still feel that way. I 69 00:05:47.560 --> 00:05:51.439 think a lot of people feel that sort of the sort of you know, 70 00:05:53.360 --> 00:05:57.800 confusion about that film, and I don't blame them. You know, It's 71 00:05:57.800 --> 00:06:00.160 just it's just an extremely divisive film, and I don't think I realized that 72 00:06:00.279 --> 00:06:04.079 until much much later after it came out, and you know, you talk 73 00:06:04.160 --> 00:06:08.199 to people in your own enthusiastic and then like, I fucking hate that movie. 74 00:06:08.839 --> 00:06:14.480 Oh okay, nice. I felt the same way about Mother from uh 75 00:06:14.600 --> 00:06:18.720 who was it, Darren was or whatever? Yeah, yeah, yeah, 76 00:06:18.759 --> 00:06:21.319 I felt the same way. I was like at the end of the movie, 77 00:06:21.360 --> 00:06:25.959 I'm like, what the fuck is that? And then I'm like, 78 00:06:26.240 --> 00:06:29.720 but wait a second. You know, I started thinking about what it represents 79 00:06:29.800 --> 00:06:34.000 and like the whole Adam and Eve and you know, uh that that kind 80 00:06:34.000 --> 00:06:39.600 of you know, deep meaning behind it. And then I'm like, well, 81 00:06:40.199 --> 00:06:43.959 that's also kind of genius, but like, what the hell did I 82 00:06:44.040 --> 00:06:46.680 just watch? It was just I feel the same way about those two movies, 83 00:06:46.720 --> 00:06:51.279 actually, and I think we often forget about like the you know, 84 00:06:51.439 --> 00:06:57.879 the horror films that cross genres, like Event Horizon. It wasn't a very 85 00:06:57.920 --> 00:07:00.160 popular film when it came out in ninety seven, but it's become sort of 86 00:07:00.160 --> 00:07:04.240 a cult classic, you know, blending sci fi and horror together, which 87 00:07:04.279 --> 00:07:11.879 I thought was a great film. If you look at if you're looking at 88 00:07:11.920 --> 00:07:16.600 action horror, there's I don't really have I guess what is the name of 89 00:07:16.600 --> 00:07:23.040 that movie, Overlord, Oh with the like Nazi thing. Yeah, yeah, 90 00:07:23.079 --> 00:07:28.439 yeah, have your your your action sort of or like Dawn of the 91 00:07:28.480 --> 00:07:33.040 Dead, which would be like action horror, and you know, you have 92 00:07:34.040 --> 00:07:41.879 your more traditional horror films like The Witch, which I really liked, or 93 00:07:42.040 --> 00:07:46.360 like Pitch Black, which a lot of people don't talk about. But I 94 00:07:46.399 --> 00:07:49.959 still think that like one of Ben Diesel's best performances and probably one of the 95 00:07:49.959 --> 00:07:57.240 best movies he's been in because it comes from a really creative angle. It 96 00:07:57.399 --> 00:08:01.079 did something we didn't see before. What is it like to be an anti 97 00:08:01.199 --> 00:08:07.079 hero in this situation? So really really good stuff. I really liked Tales 98 00:08:07.079 --> 00:08:11.639 from the Hood nineteen ninety five. Yes, that's at one a big sort 99 00:08:11.680 --> 00:08:16.160 of classic. Let's see, I'm looking at my list here. I love 100 00:08:16.160 --> 00:08:18.360 the Omen. I think the Omen is still pretty creepy to this day. 101 00:08:18.480 --> 00:08:26.399 Oh yeah, he remake the original nineteen version. And let's see some other 102 00:08:26.439 --> 00:08:31.200 ones. Have you ever seen movie Demons? Not Night of the Demons, 103 00:08:31.799 --> 00:08:35.840 but Demons? I think this is this a Dario Argento movie? I think? 104 00:08:35.919 --> 00:08:39.200 So? Mm Okay, I know I haven't, but I know I 105 00:08:39.200 --> 00:08:46.559 think I know exactly what you're talking about. It takes in a movie theater 106 00:08:46.000 --> 00:08:52.360 and everybody turns into monsters and everybody's trying to get out, and it takes 107 00:08:52.360 --> 00:08:58.000 place in Italy. Okay, now, so so I should watch that one. 108 00:08:58.879 --> 00:09:05.200 I would. I would watch it by Limberto Baba. So not Daria 109 00:09:05.399 --> 00:09:13.519 Argentle but Daria our Gentle Light. Yeah. Oh gosh, I'm just looking 110 00:09:13.559 --> 00:09:18.759 at my list and just seeing what about Sorry, oh no, no, 111 00:09:18.759 --> 00:09:24.200 you're totally fine. Creep showed the original original. That's a great one. 112 00:09:24.559 --> 00:09:30.200 Everything will most likely be original. I don't. Remakes are rarely good to 113 00:09:30.240 --> 00:09:35.519 me. So well, let me ask you, Suspira. Am I saying 114 00:09:35.519 --> 00:09:41.639 it Rightspiria? Yes? Actually? Okay, so like you, you just 115 00:09:41.480 --> 00:09:46.320 turn me into a hypocrite because I was going to say that the remake of 116 00:09:46.360 --> 00:09:52.600 Suspiria is better than the originals. Yes, that is my list because that 117 00:09:52.879 --> 00:09:56.559 was a It was a really it was shocking because I actually didn't know what 118 00:09:56.720 --> 00:10:01.080 to expect going in, and I had a really faded memory of what the 119 00:10:01.159 --> 00:10:07.120 original was like mm hmm. But seeing this version was like, oh shit, 120 00:10:07.279 --> 00:10:18.279 like like Luca Guandnino turned this into something right right? Uh crap? 121 00:10:20.279 --> 00:10:26.039 Oh are you in New York or law York? Okay, So there is 122 00:10:26.360 --> 00:10:30.759 a haunt haunted attraction. I don't know if it's open still, but at 123 00:10:30.840 --> 00:10:33.919 least as a few as of a few years ago, it was called uh 124 00:10:35.080 --> 00:10:41.279 sleep No More in New York hm hm. And it is not really a 125 00:10:41.399 --> 00:10:48.600 traditional haunted house. Everybody has to wear a mask, there's no phones. 126 00:10:48.279 --> 00:10:54.799 You uh go in with whoever you came with. That's it. So I 127 00:10:54.840 --> 00:11:00.360 went by myself because I was doing a piece for Huffington Post and and so 128 00:11:00.440 --> 00:11:07.559 they put you in by yourself and you wear these masks that every single mask 129 00:11:07.679 --> 00:11:11.279 is the same, so it's all very anonymous, and it takes place in 130 00:11:11.360 --> 00:11:18.159 a it's in a like kind of an old hotel. It is just it's 131 00:11:18.279 --> 00:11:24.320 very interactive. So there's all these things going on in different rooms and halls, 132 00:11:24.360 --> 00:11:28.159 and maybe an you know, an actor who you don't know as a 133 00:11:28.200 --> 00:11:31.480 guest, or an actor takes your hand and pulls you into a room. 134 00:11:33.159 --> 00:11:35.600 And this is what happened to me. Somebody took me into a room. 135 00:11:37.840 --> 00:11:43.480 In this room, there was just a chair and there was like a light 136 00:11:43.519 --> 00:11:50.279 bulb hanging from like a string or whatever above the chair, really really creepy. 137 00:11:50.440 --> 00:11:54.080 And she sat me down and then like went like this, like wait 138 00:11:54.120 --> 00:11:58.519 a second, and then left the room and in behind me it was all 139 00:11:58.600 --> 00:12:01.799 dark, and so I'm like, is there somebody behind me? I'm like 140 00:12:01.879 --> 00:12:09.080 looking around, and I mean it was just weird and eerie and disturbing. 141 00:12:09.639 --> 00:12:15.200 That's what Suspiria. It was. It felt like the movie version of Suspiria. 142 00:12:15.440 --> 00:12:20.600 I mean the it felt like the real life version of Suspiria. Really 143 00:12:20.679 --> 00:12:24.159 really cool. If anybody's in New York and Sleep No More is still going, 144 00:12:24.159 --> 00:12:26.360 which I hope it is, I should probably look it up real quick. 145 00:12:26.799 --> 00:12:31.480 It looks like it is oh awesome. It is really really well worth 146 00:12:33.320 --> 00:12:41.440 checking out. Oh yeah, the McKittrick Hotel mckitchrickcotel dot com. Sleep No 147 00:12:41.559 --> 00:12:46.840 More in New York. It is really really disturbingly weird. It's not like 148 00:12:46.879 --> 00:12:52.039 a haunt where you leave because I'm a big Hona Attraction fan. It's not 149 00:12:52.080 --> 00:12:54.759 like a haunt that you leave and you're like, oh my god, that 150 00:12:54.840 --> 00:12:56.919 was so scary and fun and blah blah blah. This is like in your 151 00:12:58.039 --> 00:13:03.440 head like well after you leave. It's very strange, and they encourage you, 152 00:13:03.440 --> 00:13:05.480 you know, if you're in a room, look through you know, 153 00:13:05.559 --> 00:13:13.320 the drawers or whatever, and it's just incredible. So uh, Suspiria actually, 154 00:13:13.639 --> 00:13:16.519 you know, for me, is like the movie version of Sleep No 155 00:13:16.600 --> 00:13:20.960 More well worth it if you're a HANT fan in New York. And I 156 00:13:20.000 --> 00:13:22.360 took a friend with me. I remember taking a front with me to a 157 00:13:22.519 --> 00:13:28.000 press screening and we were just like what, you know, what exactly are 158 00:13:28.039 --> 00:13:33.519 we going to be getting into? And it wasn't until like the one scene 159 00:13:33.600 --> 00:13:37.759 with old girl twisting inside out. Oh snap, we we're really in for 160 00:13:37.879 --> 00:13:43.639 something here. Yeah. Yeah, it delivered. Yeah, And that was 161 00:13:43.679 --> 00:13:50.159 another you know work Suspiria that isn't just like oh that was so scary and 162 00:13:50.240 --> 00:13:54.559 good like and you know, now I'm onto the next thing. That was 163 00:13:54.600 --> 00:13:56.639 one that like kind of stuck with me where I'm like thinking about it later, 164 00:13:56.759 --> 00:14:01.519 you know, like it's kind of just weird and stays with you. 165 00:14:03.000 --> 00:14:05.919 And I think that that's the key to horror, right, like finding a 166 00:14:05.960 --> 00:14:13.039 movie that sticks with you long after you've left the theater. And you know, 167 00:14:13.120 --> 00:14:20.200 you have some films that sit like outside the genre but can be considered 168 00:14:20.320 --> 00:14:31.320 like Horror Light Kristen Stewart Spencer, or films like Come and See, or 169 00:14:31.840 --> 00:14:37.279 you know, there are films that are out there, you know, dramas 170 00:14:37.320 --> 00:14:43.799 and thrillers that deployed a lot of horror tactics. Yeah. Wes Craven's Red 171 00:14:43.799 --> 00:14:46.120 Eye, for example, is one of those. Haven't seen the Red Eye? 172 00:14:46.240 --> 00:14:50.600 Oh wait? Is that with what's her name? On the plane? 173 00:14:50.559 --> 00:14:54.080 Yes? Yes, okay, I did see that. Yeah, yeah, 174 00:14:54.159 --> 00:15:00.600 that is one that Yeah, I enjoy those kinds of film as well. 175 00:15:00.799 --> 00:15:05.399 Or like The Neon Demon, which is another devisive one. Yes, you 176 00:15:05.440 --> 00:15:09.159 know sort of sits outside the horror genre, but you see a lot of 177 00:15:09.360 --> 00:15:16.000 elements posted there. Mm hmm. Last Night and Soho was almost like that 178 00:15:16.080 --> 00:15:20.320 for me. I believe that's what it's called. Yes, And I think 179 00:15:20.440 --> 00:15:26.120 last Night a Soho was touted as true horror, which I disagreed with. 180 00:15:26.320 --> 00:15:28.879 Right, it's kind of like horror light or horror ish or something. Yeah, 181 00:15:28.879 --> 00:15:35.960 it's horror ish. It deploys Giallo elements you know of horror. But 182 00:15:35.600 --> 00:15:39.120 it wasn't like, oh my god, I'm so scared, right, I 183 00:15:39.159 --> 00:15:43.360 can't sleep that night? Right, exactly? What about? So? I 184 00:15:43.559 --> 00:15:48.279 just created a list on on letterbox, which I I love letterbox, and 185 00:15:48.279 --> 00:15:54.759 you and I were just talking about our our letterbox accounts. I created a 186 00:15:54.759 --> 00:16:00.799 list best films for October and Halloween, and I had a when I created 187 00:16:00.799 --> 00:16:06.279 it. In my mind, I didn't want to do my favorite horror movies, 188 00:16:06.399 --> 00:16:10.279 you know what I mean. I wanted to do, like, what 189 00:16:10.360 --> 00:16:18.480 are the best Halloween slash October films? Which I feel like somebody listening or 190 00:16:18.879 --> 00:16:22.639 may think, well, what's the difference, Like there are horror movies that 191 00:16:25.480 --> 00:16:29.879 I feel like, or even films in general that like you gotta watch during 192 00:16:29.879 --> 00:16:33.279 October or or on a Halloween night or something when you're like, oh, 193 00:16:33.320 --> 00:16:38.399 what you know, let's just chill and watch movies tonight. So I created 194 00:16:38.399 --> 00:16:42.080 a it's called best Films for October and Halloween, and of course my name 195 00:16:42.240 --> 00:16:49.679 on letterbox Kyle McMahon and yours is v complex and follow us on letterbox. 196 00:16:51.000 --> 00:16:52.559 So just some of mine. I'm just you know, obviously not going to 197 00:16:52.600 --> 00:16:57.279 go through all of them, but like I even put like Casper on there, 198 00:16:57.399 --> 00:17:02.200 the original or yep, or maybe it's not the original, but then 199 00:17:02.279 --> 00:17:06.000 like ninety five one, like I feel like that's like a great movie to 200 00:17:06.079 --> 00:17:10.599 watch during October. There's just something about it. I don't know if it's 201 00:17:10.599 --> 00:17:15.359 like the childhood thing for me. Another one's hocus Pocus, which is a 202 00:17:15.640 --> 00:17:19.160 I freaking love hocus Pocus, and I have friends that are like, oh, 203 00:17:19.200 --> 00:17:22.880 you know, over time it's like gotten cheesier. But then it have 204 00:17:22.000 --> 00:17:27.079 people like me that are like just obsessed, like it's just become better over 205 00:17:27.160 --> 00:17:30.480 time. And it's just some of the other ones off, you know, 206 00:17:30.599 --> 00:17:34.039 just randomly kind of and feel free to jump in if you have any thoughts 207 00:17:34.039 --> 00:17:37.839 on any of these. But Elvira Mistress of the Dark, obviously for many 208 00:17:37.960 --> 00:17:41.319 it's a big one I used to watch as a kid, like yes, 209 00:17:41.119 --> 00:17:45.039 yes, she religiously as a child exactly, and I don't know if you've 210 00:17:45.079 --> 00:17:51.839 seen it lately, but it's just Elvira is very timeless in general for me, 211 00:17:52.039 --> 00:17:55.480 you know, I mean even her whole stick and you know she's been 212 00:17:55.519 --> 00:18:00.200 on the show numerous times, and I love this about her that you know, 213 00:18:00.440 --> 00:18:07.240 she's dressed as what like a you know, kind of a universally universal 214 00:18:07.319 --> 00:18:15.599 monster sort of character. However, she's here whatever time that is, you 215 00:18:15.640 --> 00:18:18.799 know, if you're watching it today, it's in the present or whatever. 216 00:18:18.200 --> 00:18:25.519 And Mistress of the Dark really does hold up for me in that kitchy sort 217 00:18:25.559 --> 00:18:32.839 of set set here what's the word satiric, satirical like manner, and she's 218 00:18:32.839 --> 00:18:37.039 got that you know, that charm and uh and humor that It's just one 219 00:18:37.039 --> 00:18:42.519 of those that every October I'm going to watch Elvira and then I have things 220 00:18:42.599 --> 00:18:47.279 like actually creep shows on my list. Ernest Scared Stupid. That's another kind 221 00:18:47.319 --> 00:18:52.519 of throwback one for me. That's that's you know, we're not gonna I 222 00:18:52.519 --> 00:18:56.519 would hope somebody watching Ernest Scared Stupid isn't like Kyle this. You know, 223 00:18:56.599 --> 00:19:00.440 the direction was awful and the writing had plotholes, like I get, but 224 00:19:00.599 --> 00:19:04.720 it is for me very enjoyable and I love it and a lot of that 225 00:19:04.839 --> 00:19:10.759 is the nostalgic value, but it's just a fun Halloween Movie, even Halloween 226 00:19:10.799 --> 00:19:14.640 Town. Have you ever seen any of those? No? Okay, so 227 00:19:14.720 --> 00:19:19.119 they're like a Disney ish I think it was like Disney Channel or something very 228 00:19:19.559 --> 00:19:23.359 you know. Debbie Reynolds starred, and they all live in this Halloween Town 229 00:19:23.519 --> 00:19:27.799 and it says, you know on the synopsis is on her thirteenth birthday, 230 00:19:27.880 --> 00:19:32.319 Marni learns she's a witch, discovers a secret portal, and is transferred to 231 00:19:32.359 --> 00:19:34.720 Halloween Town, a magical place where ghosts and ghules, which is where Wove 232 00:19:34.960 --> 00:19:38.519 lives live apart from the human world. It's just one of those like kind 233 00:19:38.559 --> 00:19:44.559 of kitchy, like I'm gonna put this on and feel good sort of things, 234 00:19:44.599 --> 00:19:48.839 you know. But then I have things like Trick or Treat. I 235 00:19:48.000 --> 00:19:52.759 want to know your thoughts on Trick or Treat? Have you seen it? 236 00:19:52.160 --> 00:19:56.200 I'm gonna laugh, but I've never seen it before. What I haven't seen 237 00:19:56.240 --> 00:20:00.799 Trick or Treat? And my friend has been trying to get me to watch 238 00:20:00.839 --> 00:20:04.319 Ginger Snaps and I started off. I started it, and then I was 239 00:20:04.400 --> 00:20:11.759 like, let me just maybe maybe I'm just tired, like reconnect with it, 240 00:20:11.839 --> 00:20:18.720 and I'm going at some point my introduction to horror was never those things 241 00:20:19.079 --> 00:20:22.240 I didn't discover, like Halloween Town or anything like that. And love was 242 00:20:22.240 --> 00:20:26.799 in my twenties. My dad would take me to see like Nightmare on Elm 243 00:20:26.799 --> 00:20:32.640 Street as a five year old, or you know, Friday the thirteenth. 244 00:20:33.160 --> 00:20:37.559 He was like, let's get fully immersed in this business. And my mom 245 00:20:37.640 --> 00:20:40.640 says this because you know, he used to take her to see horror films 246 00:20:40.640 --> 00:20:44.519 when she was pregnant with me, and so you know, I U said, 247 00:20:44.559 --> 00:20:47.000 I was at the theater and I'd be all into it and everything and 248 00:20:47.039 --> 00:20:49.400 they get home be scared, which is true. But I was like five 249 00:20:49.480 --> 00:20:52.880 six years old. You know, at nine years old, my dad took 250 00:20:52.920 --> 00:20:56.799 me to see Candy Man. He took me Wow, Angel Heart, which 251 00:20:56.839 --> 00:21:02.240 is like not appropriate for child, these things like Serpent in the Rainbow and 252 00:21:02.279 --> 00:21:07.200 all that, and so you know, it wasn't until like later that I 253 00:21:07.319 --> 00:21:10.559 discovered like, oh, there are these things for kids. I mean I 254 00:21:10.640 --> 00:21:15.559 used to read Goosebumps and stuff like that. Graduated very you know early to 255 00:21:17.359 --> 00:21:22.920 reading an author called Christopher Pike who used to write like hy a violent ya 256 00:21:22.480 --> 00:21:29.680 like horror, okay, reading stuff like The Stand and Power. At fourteen, 257 00:21:29.839 --> 00:21:32.599 like you know, what I mean, or it was different for me, 258 00:21:32.720 --> 00:21:34.519 so like focus, focus and all that and see until I was an 259 00:21:34.559 --> 00:21:41.519 adult, right right, And like when I think of like perfect Halloween movies, 260 00:21:41.839 --> 00:21:47.559 I you know, it always depends on what's going on in my life 261 00:21:47.559 --> 00:21:49.480 at that time. I might watch a bunch of horror comedy like Seawan of 262 00:21:49.559 --> 00:21:56.960 the Dead and and Acol or you know, if I'm feeling for the classics, 263 00:21:56.039 --> 00:22:00.000 I'll just watch, you know, the Pantheon of horror. Watch some 264 00:22:00.160 --> 00:22:04.680 Candy Man, even though those movies suck. I might watch Friday the Thirteenth, 265 00:22:04.759 --> 00:22:11.440 even though most of those sucked to you know, Freddy Jason, Michael, 266 00:22:12.279 --> 00:22:18.680 the Evil Dead, stuff like that. Yeah, So I always feel 267 00:22:18.720 --> 00:22:25.440 like that those are those are sort of a good place to start if you're 268 00:22:25.759 --> 00:22:27.680 looking just for something random to do, when you can always go into your 269 00:22:27.720 --> 00:22:36.759 genre things or you know, pick if you're you know whatever. I've been 270 00:22:36.960 --> 00:22:42.279 trying to get into animated horror recently, not really just Japanese anime, but 271 00:22:42.400 --> 00:22:48.799 just you know, seeing where the horror elements lie. So watching stuff like 272 00:22:48.920 --> 00:22:55.000 Watershipped Down, which was depressing, and or like Disney's Fantasia, which is 273 00:22:55.599 --> 00:23:00.440 pretty like I think it scared me even as a kid, me too, 274 00:23:02.480 --> 00:23:07.359 or watching stuff like Legend Ooh, Tom Cruise. Yeah, it's a movie 275 00:23:07.400 --> 00:23:11.319 that he never talksbout, which I don't know why. Yeah, yeah, 276 00:23:11.359 --> 00:23:15.160 it's so good and it's terrifying. He was gonna say, it's a great 277 00:23:15.160 --> 00:23:21.039 film. It's wells directed and it's creepy. But you know, so it'll 278 00:23:21.240 --> 00:23:25.759 you know, depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for something 279 00:23:25.759 --> 00:23:30.799 more modern. You know, Hulu does a horror thing every yes, Hulueen, 280 00:23:30.000 --> 00:23:33.799 Right, yeah, Huluueen does something every year. Not to say that 281 00:23:33.839 --> 00:23:40.039 those movies are good, but you know it might be worth exploring. So 282 00:23:40.119 --> 00:23:41.079 I guess it just depends on your mood and what you're looking to do. 283 00:23:41.319 --> 00:23:47.880 Absolutely absolutely, I need you as a friend. Please see Trick or Treat. 284 00:23:47.920 --> 00:23:52.480 It's two thousand and seven, directed by Michael Dharty. It is definitely 285 00:23:52.519 --> 00:23:57.079 not for kids. It is it is a kind of anthology where these four 286 00:23:57.160 --> 00:24:06.160 stories are kind of interwoven. It for me, has become a quintessential Halloween 287 00:24:06.279 --> 00:24:15.119 movie. Very varied in the anthological stories. I shouldn't try to sound smart. 288 00:24:15.160 --> 00:24:18.839 I don't even know if that's a word, but very varied in the 289 00:24:19.240 --> 00:24:25.000 four stories that are told, like you know, there there's a slasher one, 290 00:24:25.039 --> 00:24:29.799 there's like a you know, a supernatural one. It is for me 291 00:24:30.119 --> 00:24:36.920 a work of Halloween genius. It is a quintessential Halloween movie. For me, 292 00:24:37.319 --> 00:24:40.559 there won't be a year that I will not watch Trick or Treat. 293 00:24:41.400 --> 00:24:45.240 And now, so that was what two thousand and seven, so we're fifteen 294 00:24:45.319 --> 00:24:49.920 years out or something. There has been demand that has been growing over time 295 00:24:51.160 --> 00:24:56.519 about a follow up, and there's been some some graphic novel tie ins and 296 00:24:56.799 --> 00:25:00.640 and that sort of thing. But Michael Darty is saying that Trick or Treat 297 00:25:00.640 --> 00:25:10.759 too is in the cards. So and there's this awesome character Sam from you 298 00:25:10.799 --> 00:25:12.839 know, from Trick or Treat And I'm trying to see his exact name. 299 00:25:12.960 --> 00:25:18.160 Oh yeah, it's Sam because it stams for Sam Hein or whatever I think? 300 00:25:18.200 --> 00:25:22.480 Am I saying that right? Sam Hein the Halloween Ritual or whatever it 301 00:25:22.519 --> 00:25:30.640 is. So this little guy Sam has become for me an iconic Halloween character 302 00:25:30.799 --> 00:25:37.400 like Jason or Freddie or Michael Myers or Pennyworth or Annabelle or whatever I mean, 303 00:25:37.480 --> 00:25:41.680 Penny Wise, not pennywhere. Please for me, if you have a 304 00:25:41.759 --> 00:25:45.680 night or day or whatever where you have ninety minutes, Please watch Trick or 305 00:25:45.759 --> 00:25:51.440 Treat and I need to know what you think. Okay, I will check 306 00:25:51.480 --> 00:25:55.720 it out. I think you will like it. There's something as a horror 307 00:25:55.759 --> 00:26:00.400 fan. From one horror fan to another, I really really really make cited 308 00:26:00.480 --> 00:26:03.359 for you to watch it because I can't wait to know what you think. 309 00:26:03.440 --> 00:26:06.920 I can't wait to talk to you about it. But put it on your 310 00:26:06.960 --> 00:26:12.039 list please for me, I am interested. I will definitely check it out. 311 00:26:12.440 --> 00:26:15.279 Like my friends and stuff, I've been talking about it, but I'll 312 00:26:15.359 --> 00:26:18.880 check it out and see and see what it's you know, and see what 313 00:26:18.920 --> 00:26:22.400 it's like. Yeah, and I'm curious now because now I've built it up 314 00:26:22.440 --> 00:26:26.880 so much. But I really truly believe as a halloween you know, as 315 00:26:26.880 --> 00:26:30.880 a horror genre fan, that you will you will really like it. One 316 00:26:30.960 --> 00:26:37.039 last question, what are your What do you think are some kind of quintessential 317 00:26:37.079 --> 00:26:41.000 and you kind of mentioned some of them. We touched on this briefly, 318 00:26:41.039 --> 00:26:44.240 but I'm curious a little bit more in depth. You know, if I'm 319 00:26:44.359 --> 00:26:48.319 like, I've never been really into horror, Like, what where should I 320 00:26:48.359 --> 00:26:52.519 start? Would you say to start with the classics or is there a particular 321 00:26:52.599 --> 00:26:55.599 film you would say, all right, you've never been into horror, you 322 00:26:55.640 --> 00:26:59.440 want to give it a go because you have a Kyle or a Valerie. 323 00:27:00.039 --> 00:27:03.480 Again, where would you start them off? I don't know. I guess 324 00:27:03.519 --> 00:27:07.319 I would start. I will start with the I guess I would start with 325 00:27:07.359 --> 00:27:11.400 the classics first. You know, I would just have it would have to 326 00:27:11.400 --> 00:27:14.799 be curated a little bit, because it's like, you know, Nightmare on 327 00:27:14.799 --> 00:27:17.559 Elm Street, like one, two and three are great, but for five, 328 00:27:17.680 --> 00:27:22.720 six and whatever else, you don't go to the the first Friday thirteenth 329 00:27:22.880 --> 00:27:26.880 is not entertaining to me at all. But two and three are pretty decent 330 00:27:27.160 --> 00:27:33.480 in my opinion. Uh, the only two Halloweens that are worth anything are 331 00:27:33.519 --> 00:27:36.880 one and two, at least in my personal opinion. You didn't like three 332 00:27:36.920 --> 00:27:41.319 at all. Season of the Witch three? No, no, you know, 333 00:27:41.759 --> 00:27:45.640 but if I guess, if they're like serious about serious war. But 334 00:27:45.720 --> 00:27:49.480 if they're not serious, then I would start them off with something like Ghost 335 00:27:49.519 --> 00:27:55.599 of Mars, which a lot of people hate, but it's fun. That's 336 00:27:55.799 --> 00:28:00.359 John Carpenter, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, with ice Cube like 337 00:28:00.440 --> 00:28:06.720 go so Mars, like the first Resident Evil movie Sean of the Dead, 338 00:28:06.799 --> 00:28:11.240 like I will start them off with stuff like that, that's more, that's 339 00:28:11.240 --> 00:28:17.720 a little action heavy, so it could distract them from like being like terrified. 340 00:28:18.000 --> 00:28:21.440 Yeah, you know, there are levels. There are levels to it, 341 00:28:22.039 --> 00:28:23.640 you know. I might even suggest like the Blair Witch Project, which 342 00:28:25.200 --> 00:28:30.880 it's mostly boring and not much happens, so it's like, if you want 343 00:28:30.920 --> 00:28:33.680 to really be eased in, you know, here are these these things you 344 00:28:33.680 --> 00:28:38.400 should sort of go buy. All right, yeah, finally, and I 345 00:28:38.440 --> 00:28:42.880 think you and I talked about this offline last time. But under representation in 346 00:28:42.880 --> 00:28:48.559 Hollywood, which can never you know, I want to say, as as 347 00:28:48.599 --> 00:28:53.279 somebody who is not underrepresented in Hollywood that I feel like we're moving in a 348 00:28:53.359 --> 00:28:59.640 direction where it's becoming less of a problem as it was, you know, 349 00:28:59.720 --> 00:29:03.160 even ten years ago. But you have people like the incredible Jordan Peele, 350 00:29:03.200 --> 00:29:08.880 who's one of my favorites ever, who was bringing up voices like Nia da 351 00:29:08.880 --> 00:29:15.359 Costa. Thank you Nia da Costa for doing her version of Candy Man. 352 00:29:15.839 --> 00:29:19.799 Do you think that we are getting better in that aspect of horror? I 353 00:29:19.839 --> 00:29:25.680 think horror is one of the most flexible genres to exist. It's cheap to 354 00:29:25.720 --> 00:29:32.319 make horror films. Relatively, it is kinder to women and people of color. 355 00:29:33.000 --> 00:29:37.119 It is full of or it can be full of social commentary, and 356 00:29:37.160 --> 00:29:41.839 it's flexible enough to examine some of these things within the genre. And that's 357 00:29:41.839 --> 00:29:48.480 why so many you see so many black women writing and directing horror. You 358 00:29:48.519 --> 00:29:52.720 have, you know, you have Mariyamadallo who created Master for Amazon. You 359 00:29:52.799 --> 00:29:59.839 have Nia DaCosta with Candy Man. You have Nanny. She wrote and directed 360 00:30:00.440 --> 00:30:06.119 Nanny, which is also on Amazon. Her name is Yahtu Jusu. She 361 00:30:06.519 --> 00:30:12.279 directed and wrote this sort of horror film based in African folklore. And you 362 00:30:12.400 --> 00:30:18.799 have Jordan Peel, who is whose budgets get bigger and whose stories get better? 363 00:30:19.279 --> 00:30:23.640 You know. Us was pretty divisive, but I enjoyed it. I 364 00:30:23.720 --> 00:30:30.000 didn't love Nope at first, but upon a second watch, I really dug 365 00:30:30.039 --> 00:30:33.000 it and really liked it. And I just think that it's just one of 366 00:30:33.000 --> 00:30:37.680 those genres that is really easy to break into, like I, you know, 367 00:30:37.720 --> 00:30:41.799 as long as it's cheap, like I've written, I have horror scripts 368 00:30:41.839 --> 00:30:45.839 that I've written, even though their ideas are a little bit more out there, 369 00:30:45.359 --> 00:30:48.079 you know. And I've had people tell me, well, this sounds 370 00:30:48.079 --> 00:30:52.200 so expensive. It's good but expensive. You know, I think that it's 371 00:30:52.359 --> 00:30:57.160 one of the great ways that one could break in absolutely. I mean, 372 00:30:57.160 --> 00:31:02.920 look at Megan. Megan was by a black woman, and I believe Malignant 373 00:31:02.960 --> 00:31:10.759 was that James I Malignant? A Yes, Aquila Cooper is doing a lot 374 00:31:10.839 --> 00:31:15.119 of great, you know, horror things, and she's writing she's writing Megan 375 00:31:15.200 --> 00:31:18.559 two point zero, which you know, it was a big hit. She 376 00:31:18.640 --> 00:31:22.839 did write Malignant. She wrote Malignant, which she wrote it's so good. 377 00:31:22.440 --> 00:31:26.240 She wrote the Nun too. So you see, it's just like, you 378 00:31:26.240 --> 00:31:32.200 know, I have friends that have black women who have written horror Run Sweetheart, 379 00:31:32.279 --> 00:31:37.359 Run other Amazon horror film that was written by a friend of mine, 380 00:31:37.960 --> 00:31:42.519 and so it's just it's just so easy and even in a way to explore 381 00:31:44.000 --> 00:31:48.160 like queerness. Yeah, a lot of queer, like a lot of horror 382 00:31:48.160 --> 00:31:55.400 has always been queer, but now it can be over as opposed to cobt 383 00:31:55.440 --> 00:31:57.400 like and she could just be straight out like you have Fear Street, you 384 00:31:57.400 --> 00:32:05.839 know, yes, films, but they existence or of of an intersection of 385 00:32:05.880 --> 00:32:13.000 queerness and horror. And you have films like Nice Plu's Heart and different other 386 00:32:13.319 --> 00:32:17.319 films that explore that aspect of what it means to be a queer person, 387 00:32:17.319 --> 00:32:22.240 on what it means to be trans and so there's that. I love that 388 00:32:22.640 --> 00:32:25.240 we have one minute and forty five seconds left. I could continue to talk 389 00:32:25.319 --> 00:32:29.799 to you forever about this, I could continue to talk to you forever about 390 00:32:29.839 --> 00:32:32.319 all things, because you are so awesome. But I want to thank you, 391 00:32:32.640 --> 00:32:37.480 Valerie. You are absolutely amazing. I can't wait for you to come 392 00:32:37.519 --> 00:32:42.079 back. I love talking with you in general and especially about my favorite genre. 393 00:32:42.519 --> 00:32:45.400 Thank you so much. Where can everybody find you? Everybody can find 394 00:32:45.400 --> 00:32:52.640 me on Instagram at Valerie Underscore Complex number two. You contact me via my 395 00:32:52.680 --> 00:32:55.839 website, which is Valerie coomplex dot com. I also have a podcast that 396 00:32:55.960 --> 00:33:00.839 Deadline called the Scene to Scene Podcast, where I talk to people from all 397 00:33:00.880 --> 00:33:06.200 facets of the industry about you know, personal topics, some of their favorite 398 00:33:06.240 --> 00:33:08.079 things in the business, and what it's like to work on you know, 399 00:33:08.359 --> 00:33:14.079 their specified projects. And you can check that out also on iHeartRadio, Apple 400 00:33:14.240 --> 00:33:17.200 and Spotify. Sweet, we will have all the links come back again very 401 00:33:17.240 --> 00:33:21.720 soon. Please, Oh yes, I definitely will. I want to see 402 00:33:21.720 --> 00:33:23.079 if I can come back in December, because I think Christmas is like a 403 00:33:23.119 --> 00:33:27.799 really interesting time. Awesome. Let's do it to talk about certain things. 404 00:33:27.960 --> 00:33:30.960 Sweet, So thank you for having me on. I really appreciate it. 405 00:33:30.000 --> 00:33:34.720 Thank you do finally, I know. Thank you so much. VI, 406 00:33:35.680 --> 00:33:40.400 take care you too. Bye bye bye, Valerie Complex. I love her. 407 00:33:40.480 --> 00:33:45.759 I love discussing film with her and genres and all the things. You 408 00:33:45.839 --> 00:33:52.839 can get all Valerie complex goodness at valeriecomplex dot com and you can follow her 409 00:33:52.920 --> 00:33:57.759 socials and contact her theirs here reviews and interviews. She's awesome. Can't wait 410 00:33:57.799 --> 00:34:06.279 to have her back Deadline all right. Next up, we have my interview 411 00:34:06.440 --> 00:34:13.800 for twenty twenty three with Lovecraft about their brand new album V So. I'm 412 00:34:13.880 --> 00:34:17.239 really stoked about that. I've heard the album. It's amazing and they are 413 00:34:17.719 --> 00:34:23.519 the music taste makers for the Halloween season and spooky season all year long. 414 00:34:23.679 --> 00:34:30.360 So let's just get right into it, Lovecraft. So I am here once 415 00:34:30.400 --> 00:34:36.239 again. I love the I love this act. I love everything you guys 416 00:34:36.280 --> 00:34:39.920 do. I am here with Amanda M and d r Aka deep cuts from 417 00:34:40.280 --> 00:34:45.519 Lovecraft. Thank you so much for speaking with me. Oh my gosh, 418 00:34:45.559 --> 00:34:51.559 thank you so much for having us back on Pop Culture Weekly. Of course, 419 00:34:52.920 --> 00:34:55.280 I've got to tell you so there's many songs that I listened to by 420 00:34:55.360 --> 00:35:02.480 you guys obviously throughout the year, but one in particular is uh maybe the 421 00:35:02.719 --> 00:35:10.880 Resido. I love that so yes, it is so good. It is 422 00:35:10.960 --> 00:35:16.559 literally on my Apple Music Replay twenty twenty three already for my most laid songs 423 00:35:16.599 --> 00:35:21.480 so far for the year. I love it so much, Oh my god, 424 00:35:21.679 --> 00:35:24.880 thank you so much. You know that's like that's from our Dias deelos 425 00:35:24.960 --> 00:35:30.960 Martos. I think that's EP one. Hmm. So we have an EP 426 00:35:30.119 --> 00:35:37.280 one and an EP does and it's and it was written by the Fears Latin 427 00:35:37.400 --> 00:35:43.599 ex artists Kat Dahlia aka Devil Dahlia in the in the Lovecraft Spooky Verse. 428 00:35:43.719 --> 00:35:47.719 So I'm so glad we're actually doing like a big activation this year around our 429 00:35:49.119 --> 00:35:53.440 our Das deelos Martos records, because you know, as that day is November 430 00:35:53.519 --> 00:35:58.639 first, and we're spooky never sleeps. Yeah, gotta keep it going. 431 00:35:58.880 --> 00:36:02.280 Absolutely. I love it, and it's just so catchy. Maybe it's just 432 00:36:02.360 --> 00:36:07.639 in the production on it. It's so good. I love it. I 433 00:36:07.679 --> 00:36:09.840 love that you love that because I love it and people, you know, 434 00:36:09.960 --> 00:36:16.639 we're we're located in Los Angeles, Southern California, and it's really great to 435 00:36:16.639 --> 00:36:22.239 to share you know, Spanish speaking like records in the spooky world with the 436 00:36:22.280 --> 00:36:27.440 whole LATINX community. It's just awesome. Yeah, you really keeps it up 437 00:36:28.079 --> 00:36:34.760 spooky for sure. Absolutely, and any any any instance, any of you 438 00:36:34.760 --> 00:36:38.559 know, chance to keep the spooky going all year is good for me and 439 00:36:38.599 --> 00:36:43.320 you guys. Yeah, no, we love it. I mean it really 440 00:36:43.360 --> 00:36:52.880 bridges us right into hell for the holidays, really spooky Christmas or spooky holiday 441 00:36:52.960 --> 00:36:55.880 music. So yeah, I love it, love it. Yeah. So 442 00:36:57.119 --> 00:37:00.800 well, and speaking of music, you guys have a new album out right 443 00:37:00.840 --> 00:37:06.519 now called V that just came out. Tell me about that. Oh my 444 00:37:06.559 --> 00:37:10.960 gosh. So you know last year's Scream Warriors like just was and that was 445 00:37:12.000 --> 00:37:16.559 our album four with Christopher Young made the scariest album ever made. And we 446 00:37:16.599 --> 00:37:20.880 had so much fun doing that and it was so amazing. It was just 447 00:37:20.920 --> 00:37:24.480 an immersive album. We love immersive everything in the horror spooky culture space, 448 00:37:24.760 --> 00:37:31.280 like from haunts to immersive theater to you know, everything, So to honor 449 00:37:31.320 --> 00:37:35.400 that we did that. But now then we were like, what's you know, 450 00:37:35.440 --> 00:37:37.719 what are we gonna do next year? And I was like, you 451 00:37:37.760 --> 00:37:43.880 know what I love Found Footage Tour. I love it too, I really 452 00:37:43.920 --> 00:37:47.559 do. I really, really really like Blair Witch. I was like right 453 00:37:47.639 --> 00:37:52.480 in the midst of like high school and that you know, dropped and it 454 00:37:52.559 --> 00:37:55.159 blew all of our minds. Yeah, you know, and a true, 455 00:37:55.199 --> 00:38:00.880 real original scare. And then of course like all the paranormal franchise VHS everything 456 00:38:00.920 --> 00:38:09.199 like that. So we wanted to honor that genre of horror with creating an 457 00:38:09.239 --> 00:38:15.119 album based on our lore. If if all of you to New Lovecraft Spooky 458 00:38:15.159 --> 00:38:19.639 Freaks as we call our fans we call spooky Freaks, if you've been with 459 00:38:19.719 --> 00:38:22.880 us from from day one, you'll know that their story arcs going with all 460 00:38:22.920 --> 00:38:28.400 of our characters. If you're new, just go to lvcrft dot net and 461 00:38:28.480 --> 00:38:32.280 go to the epitaphs of the Spooky Freaks and you'll you'll learn more about our 462 00:38:32.360 --> 00:38:39.559 lore. I digress, but we want also wanted to make like a retro 463 00:38:39.639 --> 00:38:43.400 spooky album, so we thought, like, why don't we tie in the 464 00:38:43.519 --> 00:38:50.519 lore of Lovecraft from where part of Skeleton Sam's lore into this album with found 465 00:38:50.800 --> 00:38:59.559 Audio, So that's was the inspiration. And then just to like like totally 466 00:39:00.480 --> 00:39:05.000 plaster the wall with blood and guts and spooky bops. So that was five. 467 00:39:05.199 --> 00:39:07.239 That is five? YEA love it? Yeah? It is such an 468 00:39:07.280 --> 00:39:10.360 awesome album. And is that how you pronounced it? Is it five or 469 00:39:10.440 --> 00:39:15.519 V V V either one? Like probably you know, and it is a 470 00:39:15.559 --> 00:39:19.559 nod to those of us I grew up in the eighties. If anyone remembers 471 00:39:19.719 --> 00:39:22.760 V the V people. Do you remember the mini series? Oh my god, 472 00:39:22.760 --> 00:39:28.440 okay, is that Aliens? It's like alien people? Okay, I 473 00:39:28.480 --> 00:39:30.880 do, I do? I do? I do? Yeah, because that 474 00:39:31.079 --> 00:39:35.719 like tortured me when I was well, I was like a kid, Christy 475 00:39:35.760 --> 00:39:37.880 ali was It was like such a crazy mini series. All right, So 476 00:39:37.920 --> 00:39:40.639 I gotta look. I gotta check into it thing because I do. I 477 00:39:40.679 --> 00:39:45.360 do vaguely remember. Weren't they didn't they have like it was like masks or 478 00:39:45.400 --> 00:39:54.480 something total they live kind of plot. Okay, all right, I'm definitely 479 00:39:54.519 --> 00:40:00.559 gonna have to check that one out. Then there's yeah V so there, 480 00:40:00.320 --> 00:40:05.320 I uh. There's so many great songs in this. One of my faves 481 00:40:05.639 --> 00:40:09.840 is bad Witches, which is a bop, a spooky bop. Tell me 482 00:40:09.880 --> 00:40:15.280 about that one. How we are like over one hundred songs deep into making 483 00:40:15.360 --> 00:40:22.519 spooky music. Okay, and we sometimes we laugh that we haven't written Bad 484 00:40:22.599 --> 00:40:30.559 Witches. Yeah right, yeah, And that was one that our iconic evil 485 00:40:30.599 --> 00:40:37.840 McQueen aka the legendary songwriter and architect for for modern pop music, Bonnie McKey, 486 00:40:37.119 --> 00:40:42.119 yes, yes, who For your listeners, Fannie me key is an 487 00:40:42.239 --> 00:40:46.280 artist songwriter who who wrote most of Katie Perry's Teenage Dreams album, but many 488 00:40:46.360 --> 00:40:52.280 of her hits and a million other hits. She's she's just such a talented 489 00:40:52.480 --> 00:40:58.599 musician and songwriter and she's part of our Slashers and and uh yeah, and 490 00:40:58.719 --> 00:41:01.719 it's like a Bonnie McCree witchcrafted hit, Bad Witches. Yeah, it's so 491 00:41:01.920 --> 00:41:07.400 cool. And every day is Halloween is another highlight for me. How did 492 00:41:07.440 --> 00:41:09.840 that one come? That's my favorite? Yeah? Yeah, I had nothing 493 00:41:09.920 --> 00:41:17.199 to do with that. So, so for your listeners, when we make 494 00:41:17.280 --> 00:41:23.440 the album, you know, in January and sometimes in November, we bring 495 00:41:23.559 --> 00:41:28.039 everyone together for a week or two, all the Slashers, and we run 496 00:41:28.199 --> 00:41:31.440 like two rooms, two production rooms in the same space, and so there's 497 00:41:31.480 --> 00:41:37.280 a little tiny spooky competition's going. And when I heard that one, I 498 00:41:37.440 --> 00:41:44.920 was like, ugh, you did it again, a little pumpkins. So 499 00:41:45.199 --> 00:41:49.480 it's I think that's interesting that you do the kind of writer's rooms. It's 500 00:41:49.480 --> 00:41:54.519 almost reminds me of a spooky Fleetwood mac Ish thing where you have you know, 501 00:41:57.079 --> 00:42:00.519 various singers and songwriters and producers. Obviously it's a little bit more expanded 502 00:42:00.559 --> 00:42:02.440 with you guys, but I think that's super interesting. And actually, you 503 00:42:02.519 --> 00:42:05.400 know, it was one of the things I was going to ask you is 504 00:42:05.440 --> 00:42:07.760 how do you you know, you have so many talented artist You have the 505 00:42:07.840 --> 00:42:13.440 core of you guys, but then you have your uh slashers or whatever in 506 00:42:13.559 --> 00:42:15.960 like this spooky verse. How do you choose we need to work with this 507 00:42:16.079 --> 00:42:22.440 person or how does that happen? Yeah, so honestly, we we bring 508 00:42:22.559 --> 00:42:27.639 it so just you know, for your spooky listeners, it's uh, we 509 00:42:27.800 --> 00:42:31.199 have a core group of creators. There's about five of us that work every 510 00:42:31.280 --> 00:42:36.559 year on the album, five to six, depending if people are touring, 511 00:42:36.679 --> 00:42:40.960 et cetera. So and then throughout the year we're all working in what I 512 00:42:42.079 --> 00:42:45.960 call non spooky music, which is less fun. I'll just say no, 513 00:42:46.119 --> 00:42:50.239 we love it. We love making music and we feel we feel honored we 514 00:42:50.280 --> 00:42:52.119 get to do it every day. But so we're working on people, you 515 00:42:52.159 --> 00:42:55.639 know, artists, that are signed to labels of working on their albums as 516 00:42:55.719 --> 00:43:00.320 producer songwriters, and you know those spaces are can me intimate, people are 517 00:43:00.360 --> 00:43:06.199 telling each other what they're into, relationships, et cetera. And then you'll 518 00:43:06.239 --> 00:43:09.480 find out like, oh, we got a lot of horror freaks that our 519 00:43:09.639 --> 00:43:15.280 musicians, and so you know it, it's it's definitely natural. And then 520 00:43:15.519 --> 00:43:22.079 will the founders Punkin Crates and I will call each other and be like I 521 00:43:22.239 --> 00:43:27.440 just had a session with so and so and they're absolute freaks for everything spooky. 522 00:43:27.559 --> 00:43:30.960 Let's bring them in next year. So that's generally how how how we 523 00:43:30.559 --> 00:43:36.039 add to our slashers. I love that and so it's very organic and how 524 00:43:36.079 --> 00:43:39.920 it happens. Yeah, and and it does just go to show everyone like 525 00:43:40.320 --> 00:43:45.840 people love spooky culture. Yes, they just love it. They love it. 526 00:43:45.840 --> 00:43:50.960 It's fun, it's exciting. I don't know what what it is. 527 00:43:51.199 --> 00:43:52.599 I mean, I know I just love it. But if you could if 528 00:43:52.639 --> 00:43:54.840 I could say, with a therapist to tap it out, you know, 529 00:43:55.159 --> 00:44:00.400 Yeah, it's funny that you say that about a therapy is because my therapist 530 00:44:00.599 --> 00:44:06.199 once said to me before she escaped, was she and she actually retired, 531 00:44:06.280 --> 00:44:09.599 but she said, you know, I could do a whole book on you 532 00:44:10.119 --> 00:44:15.880 on how you have you know, fear of flying and you know, you 533 00:44:15.000 --> 00:44:20.800 have all this anxiety and then you love going to haunted houses and you love 534 00:44:21.079 --> 00:44:24.320 horror movies and you love Halloween. Like She's like, there's something there that 535 00:44:24.639 --> 00:44:28.320 you know needs to be explored. And I'm like, I don't know if 536 00:44:28.360 --> 00:44:30.000 that's a compliment. I don't think it's a compliment, but thank you. 537 00:44:30.480 --> 00:44:34.000 And if you do do a book on it, please just you know, 538 00:44:34.239 --> 00:44:37.800 send me a little something. But but it is super interesting, how you 539 00:44:37.880 --> 00:44:42.679 know, it really does being in you know, the spooky world. I 540 00:44:43.559 --> 00:44:50.400 have so many friends that are you know, fellow spooky people. And it's 541 00:44:50.559 --> 00:44:52.960 like, you know, there's a family lawyer that is a friend of mine 542 00:44:53.000 --> 00:44:59.760 that is super into it and works at fright Land for fun. I mean 543 00:45:00.000 --> 00:45:02.079 obviously you know they pay her, but she but she does it. She's 544 00:45:02.159 --> 00:45:06.639 like, that's my distressing and I can be my character and blah blah blah. 545 00:45:06.679 --> 00:45:10.679 And it's just it runs the gamut of you know, everybody I haven't 546 00:45:10.800 --> 00:45:16.039 really found because you typically think stereotypically, you know, it's like just goth 547 00:45:16.159 --> 00:45:19.840 kids or something, but it's not. I mean, it's like really, 548 00:45:20.320 --> 00:45:24.119 you know, there's hidden spooky freaks all over the world, and you know, 549 00:45:24.719 --> 00:45:29.400 guys reach out. I love the spooky community. Yeah, use it 550 00:45:29.480 --> 00:45:34.360 our music, make content, we lovecrap, we we we cheer you on 551 00:45:34.519 --> 00:45:37.559 and I know pop culture weekly, I know you do. Absolutely. It's 552 00:45:37.679 --> 00:45:39.880 yeah, I think there's a real you know, I've talked to some of 553 00:45:39.960 --> 00:45:44.960 my spooky community about it, because I would say all of us are have 554 00:45:45.880 --> 00:45:50.320 diagnosed PTSD or anxiety. I know I do disorders, you know, diagnosed 555 00:45:50.400 --> 00:45:54.280 et cetera. And I and I also find this community. You know, 556 00:45:54.599 --> 00:46:00.239 I've been in many different creative communities throughout my life as a creative. Always 557 00:46:00.280 --> 00:46:01.920 think I'm kind of boring, like one of my people I grew up with, 558 00:46:02.079 --> 00:46:06.559 Like what do you do? I'm like making music. Yeah, I'm 559 00:46:06.639 --> 00:46:09.320 kind of a one notre and uh yeah. We talked about it at link 560 00:46:09.440 --> 00:46:15.480 and and I think it's our ability to face our fears and and and to 561 00:46:15.599 --> 00:46:19.679 see those through. I think there's really like something in there because it and 562 00:46:19.800 --> 00:46:24.440 also I noticed the spooky community is quite an empathetic and caring and creative community. 563 00:46:24.559 --> 00:46:30.960 Yeah yeah, which is uh. Also, I think people wouldn't expect 564 00:46:30.000 --> 00:46:36.599 that for sure, for sure, and it really is a you know, 565 00:46:36.719 --> 00:46:40.079 I find it very I was doing an interview yesterday with friend of mine who 566 00:46:40.400 --> 00:46:47.280 she specializes in horror and sci fi with Deadline and uh and she you know 567 00:46:47.440 --> 00:46:52.719 does Yeah, they're amazing, and she she was telling me, you know, 568 00:46:52.760 --> 00:46:57.119 we were discussing about how forward thinking it really is where you know, 569 00:46:57.719 --> 00:47:02.079 traditional Hollywood in many respects, especially in film and television, is often afraid 570 00:47:02.280 --> 00:47:08.880 to bring on a showrunner or director or writer or whatever that is a person 571 00:47:08.920 --> 00:47:15.960 of color or LGBTQ or whatever. Horror has always kind of been a place 572 00:47:15.159 --> 00:47:23.840 where has been accepting and pushing the boundaries for the general population in underrepresented communities 573 00:47:23.880 --> 00:47:29.079 as well. So I find not just is it the people that are so 574 00:47:29.239 --> 00:47:34.400 empathetic, you know, with all of our fellow disorders and stuff, but 575 00:47:35.360 --> 00:47:37.679 it's also very much a come as you are community. You know, whatever 576 00:47:37.840 --> 00:47:42.920 you are, as you are, we love and accept you. And I 577 00:47:43.000 --> 00:47:46.480 think that's so awesome, you know, It's a thing that I'm proud of 578 00:47:46.599 --> 00:47:52.760 being that community for. Yeah, me me as well, because I think, 579 00:47:52.840 --> 00:47:57.360 like like horror has always been a space an outsider art form, you 580 00:47:57.440 --> 00:48:00.760 know, from film to music, everything and in the culture, celebrating the 581 00:48:00.840 --> 00:48:04.960 culture, and and it celebrates the other. And when you think of like, 582 00:48:05.559 --> 00:48:08.199 you know, uh, the success of Romero and in the zombie films 583 00:48:08.239 --> 00:48:13.920 and just self funding those and and the social commentary of those of those movies, 584 00:48:14.239 --> 00:48:19.039 and and and it's definitely been a space for for women and not male 585 00:48:19.119 --> 00:48:23.440 creators to to to like soar, you know. And now we're getting to 586 00:48:23.559 --> 00:48:30.199 a space I feel I've and obviously creator creators of color. It's in in 587 00:48:30.280 --> 00:48:34.760 the queer community. And now I'm hoping we get to the space where we're 588 00:48:34.800 --> 00:48:42.920 gonna start seeing more of the uh oscars and more like the awards area giving 589 00:48:43.039 --> 00:48:46.440 the acknowledgement. And like me, I'm still amazed at Miya Gothta not receive 590 00:48:46.960 --> 00:48:52.480 at the very least nomination. Yeah, yeah, yeah, And but I 591 00:48:52.599 --> 00:48:58.679 think exactly, And but I think that things like Lovecraft and films, you 592 00:48:58.760 --> 00:49:02.639 know, creators like and Peel in the film and television world are you know, 593 00:49:02.719 --> 00:49:07.960 look at the look at the business of the box office to this day, 594 00:49:07.360 --> 00:49:14.239 so many you know, analysts and studio heads, you know, they 595 00:49:14.360 --> 00:49:19.239 kind of don't count horror. And then they get this big explosion of a 596 00:49:19.320 --> 00:49:22.239 popular horror film and they're like, oh, how did that happen? Well, 597 00:49:22.239 --> 00:49:24.159 if you haven't noticed, it happens like four or five times a year, 598 00:49:24.320 --> 00:49:28.000 you know what I mean. It's it's not a it's not an underdog 599 00:49:28.199 --> 00:49:31.440 anymore. In many times, in many seasons, I should say, it 600 00:49:31.679 --> 00:49:36.360 is carrying the box office. When you have a you know, a five 601 00:49:36.440 --> 00:49:39.119 million dollar film go on and gross one hundred million dollars, like, you 602 00:49:39.239 --> 00:49:42.679 know, take note of that at this point, you know what I'm saying. 603 00:49:43.639 --> 00:49:46.159 Yeah, they're doing another another run of Terrifier too, through through the 604 00:49:46.280 --> 00:49:52.039 theaters to mainstream theaters again, yes, you know, And yeah, that's 605 00:49:52.079 --> 00:49:54.559 what I mean. To me, it's really the that you know, that's 606 00:49:54.639 --> 00:50:00.320 holding the box office up. There are the superhero Marvel and DC and horror. 607 00:50:00.480 --> 00:50:05.960 Yeah, and and I don't think we're just in a horror We're in 608 00:50:06.000 --> 00:50:07.440 a horror renaissance. But I don't think it's going anywhere, Like it's not 609 00:50:07.480 --> 00:50:09.880 going to be that like oh, we had the eighties era and then we 610 00:50:09.960 --> 00:50:15.679 had like a nineties era. I just like here and to me, the 611 00:50:16.199 --> 00:50:19.639 generally be like, no, it's going to get bad, But to me, 612 00:50:19.800 --> 00:50:23.039 the quality has just gotten better and better with like focus and you know, 613 00:50:23.360 --> 00:50:29.199 and for more of the indie horror film lovers like are starting to really 614 00:50:29.320 --> 00:50:35.320 see some amazing horror films coming out and absolutely Australian horror never disappoints me. 615 00:50:35.599 --> 00:50:37.760 Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah to me really blew my mind. Oh 616 00:50:37.880 --> 00:50:43.119 my god, that was so amazing. It was so good. I texted 617 00:50:43.199 --> 00:50:45.079 all my spooky friends. I was like, what are you doing right now? 618 00:50:46.039 --> 00:50:50.239 What you know we're laughing, you know, everyone's making those spooky jokes. 619 00:50:50.280 --> 00:50:52.320 I was like, to drop what you're doing, drop your knives, 620 00:50:52.599 --> 00:50:54.639 run to the movie theater. So I told everyone to know. I was 621 00:50:54.679 --> 00:50:58.719 like, do not walk, run it is Oh my god, it's so 622 00:50:58.880 --> 00:51:02.079 good. It is so good and terrifier too. By the way, was 623 00:51:02.159 --> 00:51:07.880 filmed mostly at Fright Factory in Philadelphia, which would be on the tour that 624 00:51:07.119 --> 00:51:14.920 I uh that I'm determined to set up for you guys, but uh yeah, 625 00:51:14.960 --> 00:51:17.599 I absolutely, And you know, there's just it's just such a creative 626 00:51:17.639 --> 00:51:22.360 community and you guys are just an extension of that. I'm so glad that 627 00:51:22.559 --> 00:51:27.320 there are powerful voices in the music industry who are saying, you know what, 628 00:51:27.519 --> 00:51:31.920 I'm gonna let my spooky freak flag fly and we're gonna be use our 629 00:51:32.039 --> 00:51:36.719 talents to do this at a big level. And it's it's you know, 630 00:51:37.000 --> 00:51:43.039 it's huge. You guys last year were everywhere in the Halloween season and now 631 00:51:43.360 --> 00:51:47.159 it's happening again. It's just awesome. When when you started this how many 632 00:51:47.239 --> 00:51:51.400 what four or five years ago, did you ever expect it to get to 633 00:51:51.519 --> 00:51:57.480 this level? No. I didn't expect it to become like essentially what what 634 00:51:57.679 --> 00:52:01.199 in the industry you call it an artist project like four and facing going to 635 00:52:01.360 --> 00:52:07.280 events, playing, But I didn't expect that. I expected it to like 636 00:52:07.440 --> 00:52:13.199 our goal was to make like an evergreen Halloween song and you know, just 637 00:52:13.280 --> 00:52:15.760 as like a freaky factoid for the audience. I want everyone to know. 638 00:52:16.000 --> 00:52:22.920 And we died as as the founders. We had never written a song with 639 00:52:22.079 --> 00:52:27.840 the title with Halloween and the title until album V right right, I noticed 640 00:52:27.880 --> 00:52:34.039 that we have three. Anyways, we just to this day the irony of 641 00:52:34.079 --> 00:52:37.679 that is like really funny to me, but yeah, and I would say, 642 00:52:37.719 --> 00:52:43.000 like our publishers and our managers were like, what are you doing here? 643 00:52:44.920 --> 00:52:47.679 Shime on this? And I was like, I was like, do 644 00:52:47.760 --> 00:52:51.360 you see how many? You know? And we just kind of did listen 645 00:52:51.440 --> 00:52:55.559 as artists do. We don't listen to anyone, right and now now to 646 00:52:55.679 --> 00:53:01.039 really be a part of seeing this grow, I mean it's not just us 647 00:53:01.119 --> 00:53:06.039 like our projects has grown, but spooky. I just call it spooky because 648 00:53:06.239 --> 00:53:10.000 it's so much bigger than Halloween. No. That to watch that grow and 649 00:53:10.079 --> 00:53:16.079 to be a part of that has been like really really really really fun. 650 00:53:16.519 --> 00:53:22.480 Yeah, I mean it's fun, well even to watch it as somebody that 651 00:53:22.840 --> 00:53:25.360 is a spooky person and a music lover, you know. I mean I 652 00:53:25.639 --> 00:53:29.760 think I told you I used to be signed with Warner out of high school 653 00:53:29.840 --> 00:53:36.119 and and so like from all sides, it's just like, from all sides, 654 00:53:36.199 --> 00:53:39.239 I'm so happy for you guys. I mean, you were a literally 655 00:53:39.480 --> 00:53:46.599 a g Grammy winning creator, artist, writer, producer, and you are 656 00:53:47.440 --> 00:53:52.119 as you mentioned probably to you know, your publishers. Horror at first, 657 00:53:52.519 --> 00:54:00.719 no pun intended. Are using that power and that name and that talent to 658 00:54:00.840 --> 00:54:02.039 say, you know what, this is important to me and I want to 659 00:54:02.079 --> 00:54:05.079 do it, and then it blew up, you know what I mean. 660 00:54:06.079 --> 00:54:09.199 Yeah, it's it's rare. And I'll tell you, like five years ago, 661 00:54:10.559 --> 00:54:14.199 I think when we would when you know, I take meetings because I 662 00:54:14.639 --> 00:54:19.719 I'm an artist in the non spooky world known as M and D R and 663 00:54:20.800 --> 00:54:27.000 like like an electro pop artist, and but I also work as a songwriter 664 00:54:27.360 --> 00:54:30.960 and producer. So when I'm taking meetings with A and r's asking you what 665 00:54:31.079 --> 00:54:32.800 you're up to, you and you're like, oh, yeah, I started 666 00:54:32.840 --> 00:54:39.079 this. This I co founded with with Evan Bogart and Peter Wada love Craft. 667 00:54:39.199 --> 00:54:45.199 We make like new Halloween music kind of rolled their eyes right. And 668 00:54:45.400 --> 00:54:52.960 now what we've found so interesting is now the majors are signing artists whose entire 669 00:54:52.199 --> 00:54:58.480 brands are spooky wow, blood Nymph. There's a whole skin and we're working 670 00:54:58.599 --> 00:55:01.400 with all of them, which is so ex That is really cool. We 671 00:55:01.559 --> 00:55:04.760 want to work, you know, we don't want to take all our spooky 672 00:55:04.800 --> 00:55:08.079 toys and not share. We're like, awesome, like more the merrier, 673 00:55:08.280 --> 00:55:13.719 like let's work together. Absolutely, it's been fun. That That is really 674 00:55:13.800 --> 00:55:15.840 cool. And you know, I love that angle and it's really in my 675 00:55:15.960 --> 00:55:21.199 opinion, you guys have opened the doors for that because I mean, look 676 00:55:21.320 --> 00:55:29.559 at you know, you had one of the most streamed songs last year during 677 00:55:29.760 --> 00:55:34.519 all of spooky season. Uh, and that for me has become, and 678 00:55:34.639 --> 00:55:37.199 I think for the culture now is going to be one of those you know 679 00:55:38.119 --> 00:55:43.400 Mariah who you know again, don't fall out yet, but but I think 680 00:55:43.440 --> 00:55:46.119 it's going to be one of those things like the like all I want for 681 00:55:46.280 --> 00:55:51.880 Christmas for for Spooky Season, where it's gonna be one of those songs every 682 00:55:51.960 --> 00:55:57.719 year that forever is going to be associated with spooky season. And I love 683 00:55:57.840 --> 00:56:00.599 that, you know, I love that so much. That was our goal 684 00:56:01.039 --> 00:56:06.639 and and here's a freaky factoid on that song Skeleton Sam, which I believe 685 00:56:06.679 --> 00:56:07.920 you're talking about. Yeah, oh, I didn't even say it. Yeah, 686 00:56:08.000 --> 00:56:15.760 yeah, was the okay we're audience, We're album V We're five albums 687 00:56:15.800 --> 00:56:22.599 and over one hundred songs written about spooky everything spooky, And that was the 688 00:56:23.000 --> 00:56:28.800 very first song that was written. I just find that so and again I 689 00:56:28.840 --> 00:56:32.719 had nothing to do. That was in the other room. But but we 690 00:56:32.800 --> 00:56:37.559 were doing a wu which is our second biggest record, yeah, yeah, 691 00:56:37.599 --> 00:56:45.880 and on on streaming platforms, streaming platforms, and in our goal was like 692 00:56:45.119 --> 00:56:51.920 we wanted to be part of like spooky culture the way Ghostbusters, thriller, 693 00:56:52.400 --> 00:56:55.360 Monster mash. That was our goal. And to reach that was like spooky 694 00:56:55.400 --> 00:57:00.960 tears yea. And to see it grow and this year has been like to 695 00:57:01.039 --> 00:57:06.239 see how people how people use that that song and in their creations has been 696 00:57:06.519 --> 00:57:09.840 really really humbling. Yeah. I mean TikTok has flooded with it all, 697 00:57:10.000 --> 00:57:15.920 you know, and has been for a month. Uh and and we're not 698 00:57:15.039 --> 00:57:20.400 even into peak spooky spooky season yet, you know. So, so it's 699 00:57:20.559 --> 00:57:23.480 just it's so awesome to see all of you know, to see all of 700 00:57:23.519 --> 00:57:30.800 this come come together. What what are you guys doing show wise? You 701 00:57:30.880 --> 00:57:35.280 did some interesting things last year. Uh, any things that we can look 702 00:57:35.360 --> 00:57:39.639 forward to this year? Yeah? So okay, so this year right now 703 00:57:40.599 --> 00:57:46.559 along with Skeleton Sam that was had a great placement. It's been in Hubie 704 00:57:46.599 --> 00:57:52.360 Halloween. It was re lyric for this season for the season bumpers of the 705 00:57:52.480 --> 00:57:57.480 Chilean Rents of Sabrina, which was a great lift for it, but it 706 00:57:57.599 --> 00:58:02.840 wasn't that version. They asked us to relyric to fit the narrative of that 707 00:58:04.039 --> 00:58:07.400 series, which was awesome. And that's version is called Straight to Hell, 708 00:58:07.639 --> 00:58:14.519 which I did have a part of songwriters just let you swooky audience. No 709 00:58:14.639 --> 00:58:20.239 songwriters and producers. We're just a little competitive it's freaky fun, competitive, 710 00:58:20.280 --> 00:58:23.719 but we always want to have the big one. But we're happy that all 711 00:58:23.800 --> 00:58:30.239 the all of us are right, I have one. So now you know 712 00:58:30.519 --> 00:58:34.679 we didn't have because we were in the shadows. You know, we wanted 713 00:58:34.719 --> 00:58:39.159 this project to to We didn't expect it to need to have a forward facing 714 00:58:39.199 --> 00:58:45.719 brand character. So none of us wants to do that, and so we 715 00:58:45.920 --> 00:58:54.519 conjured up what I call my Eddie from from Iron Maiden, Skeleton Sam. 716 00:58:55.639 --> 00:59:00.239 He's a he's a high red of Rob Halford and Eddie for me with a 717 00:59:01.119 --> 00:59:07.719 pop angle and Skeleton Sam took off as a character. Yeah, so now 718 00:59:09.280 --> 00:59:14.920 you know our live activations this season, he's getting asked to do media nights 719 00:59:15.000 --> 00:59:22.239 and come to independent Haunts to a lot to We are every night in Long 720 00:59:22.360 --> 00:59:31.159 Beach running the entertainment for Shaktoberfest, which is an amazing event. We run 721 00:59:31.239 --> 00:59:36.079 the block party stage with our DJ Reaper and Skeleton Salmon's there every night. 722 00:59:36.719 --> 00:59:40.840 There's Haunts, it's Shaktoberfest is my one of my favorite events to go to 723 00:59:40.920 --> 00:59:45.840 in southern California because there's nothing else like it. There's a fair, there's 724 00:59:46.119 --> 00:59:52.239 mazes, there's a bar, there's a dancing area. There's an and really 725 00:59:52.360 --> 00:59:55.880 ages from little to to you know, late night. It's very cool, 726 00:59:57.440 --> 01:00:01.079 very cool experience. But it's been very fun and to celebrate lovecraft. Skeleton 727 01:00:01.159 --> 01:00:07.880 Sam in Detroit this year at Hush we opened up there Haunted Media Night, 728 01:00:08.039 --> 01:00:15.039 and he's actually there as well, every every night there open this season, 729 01:00:15.639 --> 01:00:22.440 Skeleton Sam is multiplied. He's been on tour. We've been in Sacramento, 730 01:00:23.280 --> 01:00:30.760 Sacramento's Screamfest that Haunt and also we've got been to San Francisco for Terrible the 731 01:00:30.800 --> 01:00:38.679 Initiation, which is a nightlife immersive event with a vampire bar that is the 732 01:00:39.239 --> 01:00:47.199 brainchild of the iconic queen herself, Peaches Christ. Awesome. Yeah, so 733 01:00:47.480 --> 01:00:52.960 it has been one busy season that is awesome. And then then are you 734 01:00:53.280 --> 01:00:58.679 you know, we come to Halloween and and then at least for me and 735 01:00:58.679 --> 01:01:00.360 I'm sure for you too, Like you know, first week in November, 736 01:01:00.400 --> 01:01:04.000 I start kind of getting down because I'm like, eh, you know, 737 01:01:04.400 --> 01:01:07.079 like and then it gets at least on the East Coast, it gets darker 738 01:01:07.199 --> 01:01:12.920 early, darker, earlier. It's like four o'clock and it's dark, and 739 01:01:13.239 --> 01:01:16.480 I'm just I feel like I like go into hibernation and then uh, but 740 01:01:16.679 --> 01:01:22.920 you guys start either working on or or planning or all of the above for 741 01:01:23.679 --> 01:01:29.880 the next project, right Yeah, on November two, we do a postpartum 742 01:01:30.199 --> 01:01:35.719 meeting. We've already have album six scheduled in the calendars for the for the 743 01:01:35.800 --> 01:01:39.599 slashers and the creators, and we're gonna be diving right into the next body 744 01:01:39.599 --> 01:01:45.119 of work and before the end of the year. Don't think that the holiday 745 01:01:45.199 --> 01:01:51.119 season Christmas, New Years Han huh kwansa can't be spooky, right, So 746 01:01:51.280 --> 01:01:57.400 get ready for for our Hell for the Holidays EPs coming out with brand new 747 01:01:57.760 --> 01:02:02.639 Last year we did well. Our first spooky holiday song was Naughty and Nice 748 01:02:05.039 --> 01:02:07.880 and we have a new version of that which we're excited about. And then 749 01:02:08.480 --> 01:02:15.960 we have All I Want for Christmas Is Boo, which came out last year. 750 01:02:16.519 --> 01:02:21.480 And then this year we have a brand new song which we're very excited 751 01:02:21.519 --> 01:02:25.159 about. So we'll be keeping the bops going and obviously no member. First, 752 01:02:25.239 --> 01:02:30.480 we're selling Celebrating Das Dayley smrshals with their entire lad Nex community here and 753 01:02:30.760 --> 01:02:38.079 with our EPs one in Dose you Know and Dose and those are available on 754 01:02:38.119 --> 01:02:45.239 all streaming platforms. But if you're watching right now on our social media, 755 01:02:45.480 --> 01:02:50.559 we've also dove into storytelling and to tell our origin more. Yes, that's 756 01:02:50.599 --> 01:02:53.679 been really fun to watch. Okay have you been watching I have? Yes, 757 01:02:54.000 --> 01:02:58.039 okay, okay, yes, okay, and so and we'll have all 758 01:02:58.079 --> 01:03:04.000 the links up for everybody as well. But it is it is uh, 759 01:03:06.239 --> 01:03:09.800 I love the the universe, you know what I'm saying, the immersiveness. 760 01:03:12.199 --> 01:03:16.239 Yeah. So we this year are are rolling out in a twenty part series 761 01:03:16.960 --> 01:03:22.320 on our social media, a short film diving into the origin of Really Skeleton 762 01:03:22.440 --> 01:03:30.760 Sam and the Spooky Freaks. So it is really freaking I'm on part thirteen. 763 01:03:30.000 --> 01:03:34.519 It's very easy to find the parts and those of you, uh, 764 01:03:35.280 --> 01:03:38.440 you know, spooky freaks out there if you're someone like me that loves horror 765 01:03:38.519 --> 01:03:43.599 talk, Hashei horror Talk, Hashi horror Reels. There's a lot of great 766 01:03:43.760 --> 01:03:49.480 like short films, horror films that are being you know, run out on 767 01:03:50.239 --> 01:03:55.679 and on these platforms in parts right right, So we are also doing that 768 01:03:57.440 --> 01:04:00.559 this year to celebrate V and to tell the story of V and to tell 769 01:04:00.760 --> 01:04:08.639 the whole spooky verse of Lovecraft. So totally worth watching. It is on 770 01:04:08.800 --> 01:04:15.280 Instagram, YouTube shorts, on our YouTube channel and of course TikTok and it's 771 01:04:15.360 --> 01:04:19.320 getting really freaky. And we were able to use with the awesomeness of our 772 01:04:19.400 --> 01:04:27.079 partner's thirteenth Floor, who Run, Who Run, Shaktoberfest and Ellie he On 773 01:04:27.239 --> 01:04:31.760 a hay Ride and Delusion, which is an amazing immersive experience here in Los 774 01:04:31.800 --> 01:04:39.440 Angeles. We were able to do a lot of filming at a very creepy 775 01:04:39.519 --> 01:04:45.719 place in Pomona, California. So if you're like, what is going on, 776 01:04:45.280 --> 01:04:49.480 just know that that was a special treat and it was legitimately haunted. 777 01:04:50.760 --> 01:04:55.000 Wow. And a lot of that footage was haunted. Oh wow. Okay, 778 01:04:56.119 --> 01:04:59.559 yeah, all right, I love that. And then I want to 779 01:04:59.559 --> 01:05:04.280 see you guys is at like trans World in Saint Louis you know I'm talking 780 01:05:04.320 --> 01:05:09.320 about absolutely. We have plans to be there this year. Do you all 781 01:05:09.440 --> 01:05:15.400 right? We are having lunch or dinner or drinks or something. So great 782 01:05:15.400 --> 01:05:18.119 to know you'll be there, yes, yeah, it is. Uh so 783 01:05:18.559 --> 01:05:23.960 this will be your first time, right where have you been there? I 784 01:05:24.119 --> 01:05:27.599 haven't been there. Norman Crates went one year just to like check it out, 785 01:05:27.639 --> 01:05:30.480 see what it's all about. But we will be there as Lovecraft this 786 01:05:30.599 --> 01:05:35.440 year. Oh awesome. Okay, now I'm super duper excited. Yeah, 787 01:05:35.559 --> 01:05:41.519 you guys have to be there. Every Haunt owner in the country is there, 788 01:05:42.639 --> 01:05:46.679 and buyers and all kinds. I'm excited for you guys, and I'm 789 01:05:46.719 --> 01:05:55.400 excited for me to to see you guys together finally in person. So that's 790 01:05:55.480 --> 01:05:58.599 awesome. That'll be I think it's February or March. I can't remember the 791 01:05:58.719 --> 01:06:02.159 dates, but awesome. Yeah, and uh, and then you know, 792 01:06:02.440 --> 01:06:08.679 we'll be keeping on top of all of love Craft's awesome stuff throughout the year, 793 01:06:09.039 --> 01:06:12.239 keeping us going because you know, like you said, you know, 794 01:06:12.440 --> 01:06:15.320 spooky seas, spooky season never dies, you know what I mean. No, 795 01:06:15.519 --> 01:06:18.639 it's spooky try for seven and I love it. I love it like 796 01:06:18.800 --> 01:06:25.760 people can't believe how into it we're I'm home crafting, I'm uh, you 797 01:06:25.880 --> 01:06:30.119 know, decorating, throwing, throwing I with I have a toddler, so 798 01:06:30.239 --> 01:06:34.440 we're throwing kid parties, and I mean, we're just all about it. 799 01:06:34.679 --> 01:06:40.400 It isn't uh. It definitely is a labor of freaky love. And we're 800 01:06:40.519 --> 01:06:44.920 just so excited that we have people like you that want to celebrate what we're 801 01:06:44.960 --> 01:06:49.559 doing. We're so grateful for that. Of course, we absolutely love it. 802 01:06:49.920 --> 01:06:54.960 Of course of course, and I'm right there with you, Amanda. 803 01:06:55.039 --> 01:06:59.519 Thank you so much. Love Craft. We'll have all of the uh cool 804 01:07:00.000 --> 01:07:03.360 or the easy links to all the cool stuff you guys are doing. And 805 01:07:03.480 --> 01:07:10.000 of course be is streaming now on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you listen 806 01:07:10.199 --> 01:07:15.519 to your music. Thank you so much, and everybody, happy Hauntings and 807 01:07:15.320 --> 01:07:23.760 creep It Real, creep It real, love her Love Lovecraft love V their 808 01:07:23.800 --> 01:07:27.079 brand new album which you can stream wherever you get your music, just like 809 01:07:27.199 --> 01:07:32.519 on the free iHeartRadio app. That is our show for this year. Happy 810 01:07:32.639 --> 01:07:38.519 Halloween, Safe Halloween. You know I'll be keeping spooky season going all year 811 01:07:38.840 --> 01:07:43.239 long anyway. But for those of you that don't, please have a safe 812 01:07:43.360 --> 01:07:46.480 and happy Halloween. I will see you next week. I love you, 813 01:07:47.039 --> 01:07:51.320 we are Thank you for listening to pop Culture Weekly. Here all the latest 814 01:07:51.599 --> 01:08:03.639 at pop cultureweekly dot com. Maybe you may see sooner. Unlock your up 815 01:08:03.719 --> 01:08:12.920 the serra Kao Care of Moor or can be one shotgun in the truck, 816 01:08:13.920 --> 01:08:19.720 two lovers on the road. Yeah, but done. Thous