About My Father Chicago Premiere with De Niro & Maniscalco; The Starling Girl

Join Kyle McMahon for a star-studded episode of Pop Culture Weekly as he hits the red carpet at the Chicago premiere of About My Father. He chats with the cast, including Robert De Niro, Sebastian Maniscalco, and Kim Cattrall, as well as Anders Holm,...
Join Kyle McMahon for a star-studded episode of Pop Culture Weekly as he hits the red carpet at the Chicago premiere of About My Father. He chats with the cast, including Robert De Niro, Sebastian Maniscalco, and Kim Cattrall, as well as Anders Holm, director Laura Terruso and David Rasche about the long hours on set and the excitement surrounding the premiere.
Before the red carpet, Kyle dives into the powerful themes of The Starling Girl with star Eliza Scanlen and writer-director Laurel Parmet. Set in rural Kentucky, this film explores a young woman's journey within a fundamentalist Christian community. They discuss the importance of compassionate storytelling, and how the themes of power dynamics and religion resonate in today's cultural climate. They also delve into the complexities of power dynamics in The Starling Girl, examining the nuanced portrayals of characters Gem and Owen within a patriarchal backdrop. Eliza Scanlon shares her experiences as an actor and the emotional weight of the story. So, buckle up and join us for this incredible episode of Pop Culture Weekly for all the latest in movies, TV, music, and pop culture!
Kyle McMahon's Death, Grief & Other Sh*t We Don't Discuss is now streaming: https://www.deathandgrief.show/Chapter-One-The-Diagnosis-AKA-WTF/
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